Pan Chuanying

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-17

  Pan Chuanying, Associate Professor

  College of Animal Science and Technology,Northwest A&F University (NWSUAF),No. 22 Xinong Road, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 712100, China

  Telephone: +86-137 7209 8751

  Fax: 029-87092164 Email:,


  B.S  Northwest A&F University, Animal Science, 1999-2003

  M.S Northwest A&F University, Animal Breeding, Genetics and Reproduction, 2003-2006

  (Biology Engineering Research Institute of Military Medical Science Academy, Beijing, a visiting Master Degree candidate, molecular genetics, 2004-2006)

  Ph.D Northwest A&F University, Genetics, 2006-2010

  (Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Wake Forest University, USA, a visiting Ph.D Degree candidate, cell reprogramming, Sep. 2007- Sep. 2009)

  Post-Doc. Northwest A&F University, Animal Breeding, Genetics and Reproduction, Mar. 2014 - Sep. 2017

  Research Interests

  Research interests include Leydig cell lineage development of swine, goat and mice, reproductive toxicity of animals, big data mining of animal reproduction-related biology.


  Undergraduate Courses (2010-date):  (a) Cellular Biology; (b) Molecular Biology Experiment.

  Graduate Courses (2013-date): (a) Advanced Cellular Biology; (b) Cytogenetics.


  Chen R, Cui Y, Zhang X L, Zhang Y H, Chen M Y, Zhou T, Lan X Y, Dong W Z, Pan C Y*. Chlorpyrifos Induction of Testicular-Cell Apoptosis through Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Phosphorylation of AMPK. J Agric Food Chem, 2018, 66: 12455-12470.

  Cui Y#, Yan H#, Wang K, Xu H, Zhang X, Zhu H, Liu J, Qu L, Lan X*, Pan C*. (2018) Insertion/Deletion within the KDM6A gene is significantly associated with litter size in goat. Front. Genet. 9:91. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2018.00091.

  Yanghai Zhang, Yang Cui, Xuelian Zhang, Yimin Wang, Jiayang Gao, Ting Yu, Xiaoyan Lv, Chuanying Pan*. Pig StAR: mRNA expression and alternative splicing in testis and Leydig cells, and association analyses with testicular morphology traits. Theriogenology, 2018, 118: 46-56.

  Cui Y, Zhang Y, Wei Z, Gao J, Yu T, Chen R, Lv X, Pan C*. Pig KDM5B: mRNA expression profiles of different tissues and testicular cells and association analyses with testicular morphology traits. Gene. 2018, 650:27-33.

  Xuelian Zhang, Hailong Yan, Ke Wang, Tong Zhou, MingyueChen, HaijingZhu, Chuanying Pan*, Enping Zhang*. Goat CTNNB1: mRNA expression profile of alternative splicing in testis and association analysis with litter size. Gene, 2018, 679: 297-304.

  Yang Cui, Tao Hu, Rui Chen, Shuai Yu, Wuzi Dong, Xiaoyan Lv, Chuanying Pan*. Novel 17-bp deletion in KDM1B gene is significantly associated with testis weight in male piglet. Animal Biotechnology. 2017 Oct 16:1-7.

  Shuai Yu, Pengfei Zhang, Wuzi Dong, Wenxian Zeng, Chuanying Pan*. Identification of stem leydig cells derived from pig testicular interstitium. Stem Cells International, 2017, 2017:2740272.

  Chen R, Du J, Ma L, Wang LQ, Xie SS, Yang CM, Lan XY, Pan CY*, Dong WZ*. Comparative microRNAome analysis of the testis and ovary of the Chinese giant salamander. Reproduction. 2017,154: 169-179.

  Fa Ren, Shuai Yu, Rui Chen, Xiaoyan Lv, Chuanying Pan*. Identification of a novel 12-bp insertion/deletion (indel) of iPS-related Oct4 gene and its association with reproductive traits in male piglets. Animal Reproduction Science. 2017, 178: 55-60.

  Pan Chuanying#*, Yu Shuai#, ZHANG Peng-fei, WANG Bo, ZHU Zhen-dong, LIU Ying-ying, ZENG Wen-xian*. Effect of sucrose on cryopreservation of pig spermatogonial stem cells. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2017, 16(5):1120-1129.

  ZHOU Xin-yu#, LIU Liang-liang#, JIA Wen-chao, PAN Chuan-ying*. Methylation profile of bovine Oct4 gene coding region in relation to three germ layers. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2016, 15(3): 618- 628.

  CY Pan#*, WC Jia#, BS Lu, CE. Bishop*. Expression of TAT recombinant Oct4, Sox2, Lin28, and Nanog proteins from baculovirus-infected Sf9 insect cells. Gene, 2015 , 556 (2): 245-248.

  CY Pan, CY Wu, WC Jia, Y Xu, SR Hu, CZ Lei, XY Lan*, H Chen. A critical functional missense mutation (H173R) in the bovine PROP1 gene significantly affects growth traits in cattle. Gene, 2013, 531(1): 398-402.

  CY Pan, BS Lu, H Chen*, C.E. Bishop*. Reprogramming human fibroblasts using HIV-1 TAT recombinant proteins Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-MYC. Molecular Biology Reports. 2010, 37: 2117-2124.

  CY Pan, XY Lan, H Chen*, C.E Bishop*. An economical single-sided antibody incubation method for western blotting. Journal of Virological Methods, 2010,169:409-411.

  CY Pan, A Hicks, H Chen*, C.E Bishop*. SNL fibroblast feeder layers support derivation and maintenance of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2010, 37:241-248.

  Book Chapter

  Wenxian Zeng*, Chuanying Pan* and Wan-Sheng Liu. 2016. Chapter Two: Regulatory Role of Noncoding RNAs during Spermatogenesis (3 chapters in total). In: Spermatogenesis: Molecular Mechanisms, Regulation and Biological Perspectives, Edited by Gladys Robinson. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 31-70. (*These authors contributed equally to this work) (