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The Library of Northwest Agriculture & Forestry has a history of more than 70 years, which was originated from the library of National Northwest Junior College of Agriculture and Forestry, founded in April,1934. 

By the end of 2012, the library’s total collection has reached over 2.1 million volumes of paper books (184,600 foreign volumes included) and 5,315,375 volumes of e-books (academic dissertations, criteria, patents and other literature included).

NWAFU library has a collection of over 2,800 Chinese periodicals, totaling more than 162,500 volumes, and over 1,600 foreign periodicals, totaling more than 140,500 volumes by the year of 2012. The library subscribes around 2,000 Chinese periodicals and over 180 foreign periodicals every year. 16 electronic databases of Chinese and foreign periodicals are subscribed, and more than 12,000 Chinese periodicals and 5,000 foreign periodicals are included in the library.