College of Animal Science and Technology

  The College of Animal Science and Technology is one of the oldest and largest under-graduate and graduate colleges at the Northwest A&F University (NWAFU). The undergraduate program ‘Animal Science’ was launched as early as 1936, while the post-graduate program was first established in 1963.

  To date the college comprises of two departments, i.e., ‘Animal Science’, ‘Aquaculture Science’, offering two bachelor degrees respectively. This includes seven academic master-accredited fields (‘Animal Genetics,  Breeding and Reproduction’, ‘Animal Nutrition and Food Science’, ‘Special Economic Animal Farming’, ‘Zoology’, ‘Aquatic Biology’, ‘Aquaculture’ and ‘Fishery Resources’), two professional master-accredited fields (‘Fisheries development’ and ‘zootechny’), five doctorate-accredited fields (‘Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction’, ‘Animal Nutrition and Food Science’, ‘Special Economic Animal Farming’, ‘Zoology’ and ‘Aquatic Biology’), and one postdoctoral working station (Animal Husbandry). Among these, the ‘Animal Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction’ is ranked as a national key discipline.

  The college currently employs 157 staff members, including 36 professors (7 second grade professors) and 58 associate professors. Thirty-seven staff members are PhD supervisors and 75 are Master supervisors. The college recently recruited a professor  sponsored by the national ‘1000-Elite Program’, two professors were sponsored by the national ‘Outstanding young talent projects’, as well as five professors recruited by the ‘Program for New Century Excellent Talents’, supported by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Another research team was granted by the national ‘Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team’. Meanwhile, two professors were honored with ‘Members of the evaluation team on animal husbandry disciplines of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council’ , one professor was voted as a member of ‘Life Science Department of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education’, one professor was selected as a consultant in the field of the ‘National 973 Plan’ and one professor was honored with ‘Expert of Undergraduate examination and evaluation’ by Chinese Ministry of Education. In addition several staff members were awarded with prizes. One professor was awarded as ‘Provincial and Ministry Outstanding Contribution Expert’ by Shaanxi Province, three professors were awarded with the ‘100-Elite Program’ by Shaanxi Province, one professor was honored as ‘Famous Teacher’ by Shaanxi ‘General Institutes of Higher Education’ and five associate professors were accolade as ‘Science &Technology Stars’ by Shaanxi Province.

  The total number of enrolled students is currently 1444, including 801 full-time under-graduate students, 440 master degree candidates and 203 doctoral candidates. Since the foundation of the college more than 8000 students have graduated. Graduate employment rate lies above 94% and quality education continues to further to improve. The rate of postgraduate enrollment in 2016 (including studies abroad) reached 60%, and reached 70.2% in 2017, which is the highest ranking in NWAFU.

  The college has thirteen institutes for scientific research, including the ‘National Beef Cattle Improvement Center’, the ‘Modern Beef Cattle Engineering Research Center’ of Shaanxi Province, the ‘Dairy Engineering Research Center’ of Shaanxi Province, the ‘Food Engineering Research Center’ of Shaanxi Province, the ‘Animal Nutrition and Food Research Institute’, and the ‘Aquaculture Research Institute’. These institutes are funded by either the central or the provincial governments of Shaanxi Province or by the NWAFU. In addition, the college established 34 research and teaching field stations such as the ‘Aquatic Experiment and Demonstration Station’ in Ankang, the ‘Live pig Experiment and Demonstration Station’ in Luochuan, the ‘Seri-cultural Experimental Station’ in Shiquan, the ‘Cashmere Goat Station’ in Jingbian, the ‘Beef cattle Experimental Station’, and the ‘Experiment Base of Animal Husbandry’, providing training opportunities for students and facilitating local development. Moreover, the college publishes four scientific journals, i.e., the ‘Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine’, the ‘Journal of Cattle Science’, the ‘Journal of Livestock Ecology’, and the ‘Journal of Northern Sericulture’.

  In the last five years, 64 grants were granted to the college by the ‘National Science Foundation of China’ (NSFC), exceeding RMB 40 million annually, providing a solid foundation for scientific activities. A total of 719 SCI ranked scientific articles were published and 75 patents have been licensed. Numerous prizes were awarded to the college for scientific achievements, such as five first prizes, eight second prizes, and eight third prizes for scientific innovation by the Shaanxi Province. Furthermore, four first prizes, two second prizes and two third prizes were awarded by the ’Scientific Extension Program’ of Shaanxi Province.

  The college has built long-term cooperative relationships with over 30 international universities, institutes and private enterprises. Several foreign professors were invited for both teaching and scientific collaboration. In addition, 69 students had been selected to study in well-known foreign universities and colleges, and 31 foreign students had been recruited to study in the college in the past five years. Meanwhile, public-private research partnerships between industry and the university have become the colleges’ characteristic and a long-term goal. Science-Technique cooperation, and technical service and training to local technicians, will further drive the development of animal husbandry in Shaanxi Province and even the north-western area of China.

  Adhering to ‘Achieving common prosperity through the development of animal husbandry’, the college carries out the strategies of ‘ Developing the college with the help of disciplinary construction, talents, science and technology, and regulations’ and focuses on major scientific and technical issues in the animal husbandry. Furthermore, the college concentrates on building an internationally renowned, domestically top-ranking research institute that integrates high-level innovative talent training, high-level scientific research and high-tech demonstration.