Dang Ruihua

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-17

  Dang  Ruihua, Associate Professor

  College of Animal Science and Technology

  Northwest A&F University

  Yangling, Shaanxi 712100 China

  Telephone: 029-87092164

  Fax: 029-87092164

  Email: dangruihua@nwsuaf.edu.cn


  B.S., Northwest A&F University, Animal Science 1996-2000

  M.S., Northwest A&F University, Animal Breeding and Genetics 2002-2005

  Ph.D., Hokkaido University, Veterinary Medicine 2008-2012

  Research Interests:

  Research interests include analysis of genetic diversity and evolution, genetic variations and function in livestock, and identification of susceptibility genes for Hirschsprung disease.


  Animal Science: Animal Genetics

  Publications: (selected publications from peer-reviewed journals)

  (1)Sun T, Li S, Xia X, Ji C, Shen S, Zhang G, Yu J, Jiang G, Dang R, Lei C.ASIP gene variation in Chinese donkeys.Anim Genet. 2017 Jun;48(3):372-373.

  (2)Chen N, Wang F, Yu N, Gao Y, Huang J, Dang R, Huang Y, Lan X, Lei C, Chen H. Polymorphisms in MX2 Gene Are Related with SCS in Chinese Dairy Cows. Anim Biotechnol.2017 May 4:1-9.

  (3)Chen NB, Wang FQ, Yu NQ, Gao Y, Huang JP, Huang YZ, Lan XY, Lei CZ, Chen H, Dang RH.Genetic Variations of the Bovine MX1 and Their Association with Mastitis.CZECH J ANIM SCI.2017, 62 (No.4):157-167.

  (4)Huang J, Dang R*, Torigoe D, Lei C, Lan X, Chen H, Sasaki N, Wang J, Agui T. Identification of genetic loci affecting the severity of symptoms of Hirschsprung disease in rats carrying Ednrb(sl) mutations by quantitative trait locus analysis. PLoS One. 2015 Mar 19; 10(3): e0122068 (2015).

  (5)Huang J, Dang R*, Torigoe D, Li A, Lei C, Sasaki N, Wang J, Agui T. Genetic variation in the GDNF promoter affects its expression and modifies the severity of Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) in rats carrying Ednrb(sl) mutations. Gene. 2016 Jan 1;575(1):144-8. Epub 2015 Aug 28.

  (6)Huang J, Dang R*, Torigoe D, Li A, Lei C, Sasaki N, Wang J, Agui T. QTL analysis of modifiers for pigmentary disorder in rats carrying Ednrb(sl) mutations. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 22;6:19697.

  (7) Han HY, Mao CC, Chen NB, Lan, XY, Chen H, Lei CZ, Dang RH*. Single nucleotide polymorphisms of Kit gene in Chinese indigenous horses. Jpn J Vet Res. 2016 Feb;64(1):81-9.

  (8)Gao KX, Chen NB, Liu WJ, Li R, Lan XY, Chen H, Lei CZ, Dang RH*. Frequency of gray coat color in native Chinese horse breeds.Genet Mol Res. 2015 Oct 30;14(4):14144-50.

  (9) Dang, R., Torigoe, D., Suzuki, S., Kikkawa, Y., Moritoh, K., Sasaki, N. and Agui, T. (2011) Genetic background strongly modifies the severity of symptoms of Hirschsprung disease, but not hearing loss in rats carrying ednrbsl mutations. PLoS. One 6: e24086.

  (10) Dang, R., Torigoe, D., Sasaki, N. and Agui, T. (2011) QTL analysis identifies a modifier locus of aganglionosis in the rat model of Hirschsprung disease carrying Ednrbsl mutations. PLoS. One 6: e27902.

  (11) Dang, R., Torigoe, D., Sasaki, N. and Agui, T. Anatomic modifications in the enteric nervous system of JF1 mice with the classic piebald mutation. J. Vet. Med. Sci.

  (12) Dang, R., Torigoe, D., Sasaki, N. and Agui, T. Lymphopenia in Ednrb-deficient rat was strongly modified by  genetic background . Biomed Res.33(4):249-53,2012.

  (13) Torigoe, D., Asano, A., Yamauchi, H., Dang, R., Sasaki, N. and Agui, T. (2010) Genetic analysis of modifiers for the hooded phenotype in the rat. Jpn. J. Vet. Res., 57: 175-184.

  (14) Torigoe, D., Ichii, O, Dang, R., Ohnaka, T., Okano., S, Sasaki, N., Kon, Y., and Agui, T. (2011) High-resolution linkage mapping of the rat hooded locus. J. Vet. Med. Sci., 73: 707-710.

  (15) Lei Chu-Zhao, Zhang Wei, Chen Hong, Lu Fan, Ge Qing-Lan, Liu Ruo-Yu, Dang Rui-Hua, Yao Yun-Yi, Yao Li-Bo, Lu Zi-Fan, Zhao Zhong-liang. Two maternal lineages revealed by mtDNA D-loop sequences in Chinese Native Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2007, 20(4): 471-476.

  (16) Lei Chu-Zhao, Ge Qing-Lan, Zhang Hu-Cai, Liu Ruo-Yu, Zhang Wei, Jiang Yong-Qing, Dang Rui-Hua, Zheng Hui-Ling, Hou Wen-Tong, Chen Hong. African maternal origin and genetic diversity of Chinese domestic donkeys. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2007, 20(5): 645-652.