Yang Yungui

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-16

■ Personal Data 

Family name: Yang

First name:  Yungui

Sex:  Male

Place of birth: Pingliang, Gansu, China

Nationality: Chinese

Marital status: Married

Academic degree: Doctor

Current Position:  Asso. Professor of Grassland,

College of Grassland Agriculture

Northwest A&F University

■ Address

Department of Grassland Science

College of Grassland Agriculture

Northwest A&F University

Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China.

Phone: +86 29 87091933, +86 18691896989

E-Mail: yungui@nwsuaf.edu.cn, yungui999@163.com

■ Education 

Mar. 1971-Jan. 1976: Primary School

Mar. 1976-July 1980: Middle and High School

Sept. 1980-July 1984: Dept. of Animal Science, Beijing Agriculture University, China(BE)

Sept. 1984- July 1987: Dept. of Animal Science, Beijing Agriculture University, China(ME)

Sept. 2000- July 2006: College of Environment and Resources, Northwest A&F University, China (DE)

■ Employment 

Aug. 1987-July 1990: College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, China, Assistant.

July 1990-Dec. 1997: College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, China, Assi. Prof.

Dec. 1997-Sep. 2018: College of Animal Science and Technology, Northewest A&F University, China, Asso. Prof.

Sep. 2018-present: College of Grassland Agriculture, Northewest A&F University, China, Asso. Prof.

■ Research Topics 

Rangeland Management

Forage Nutrition

Turf Plantation and Maintenance

■ Reviewers for 

Acta Agrestia Sinica

Journal of Northwest A &F University (Nat. Sci. Ed.)

Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition

■ Awards 

Award for Excellent party and government workers by College of Animal Science and Technology CPC Committee, Northwest A&F University, 2012

1995-1997 school year, "three aspects of education" Advanced individuals by College of Animal Science and Technology Northwest A&F University, 1997

Establishment of ecology agriculture experiment station in Tangjiazhuang, Long county, Extension Awards of Agriculture Technology by Shaanxi Province, 1997

■ Selected Papers 

[1]Chen Zhi-fei, Wang Zhi, Yang Yun-gui, Li Min, Xu Bing-cheng. Abscisic acid and brassinolide combined application synergistically enhances drought tolerance and photosynthesis of tall fescue under water stress[J]. Scientia Horticulturae, 2018, 228: 1-9.

[2]LIN Yan-yan, YANG Xue-mei, YANG Yun-gui. Effects of 5-ALA on seed germination and growth of Poa pratensis under abiotic stress[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2017, 25(4): 782-789. (in chinese)

[3]ZHANG Ying, SONG Shu-hong, WANG Hong-jun, CHEN Zhi-fei, ZHANG Xiao-na, XIONG Bi-han, YANG Yun-gui. Influence of Seed Soaking Agents and Dehydration Time on the Seed Germination fo Poa pratensis[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2017,25(1):199-203. (in chinese)

[4]Guan Qing-qing, Chen Jun, Wei Zhi-cheng, Wang Yu-xia, Masae Shiyomi, Yang Yun-gui. Analyzing the spatial heterogeneity of number of plant individuals in grassland community by using power law model[J]. Ecological Modelling, 2016, 320: 316-321.

[5]ZHANG Xiao-na, SONG Shu-hong, LIN Yan-yan, CHEN Zhi-fei, ZHANG Ying, LI Guang-yan, YANG Yun-gui. Effects of Growth Stage and Variety on Yield and Quality of Alfalfa[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2016, 24(3):676-681. (in chinese)

[6]ZHANG Ying, CHEN Zhi-fei, ZHANG Xiao-na, SONG Shu-hong, YANG Zhuo, YANG Yun-gui. Influence of Mowing Time on Yield and Quality of Spring and Autumn Sown Oat Hay[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2016, 25(11):124-135. (in chinese)

[7]SUN Yong-fang, FU Juan-juan, CHU Xi-tong, YANG Yun-gui, XU Yue-fei, HU Tian-ming. Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on the Uptake of Different Nitrogen Sources in Elymus nutans[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2015, 23(2):294-301. (in chinese)

[8]YANG Yun-gui, WANG Hong-jun, YANG Xue-jiao, CHENG Tian-liang. Effects of Disinfection Treatments on the Seeds Germination of Tall Fescue(Festuca arundinacea)[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2014, 22 (2): 380-385.(in chinese)

[9]WANG Hong-jun, CHEN Zhi-fei, ZHANG Ying, YANG Yun-gui, DU Shu-zeng, GUO Ting.  Influence of Soaking Times and Agents on the Seeds Germination of Poa Pratensis[J].  PRATACULTURAL SCIENCE, 2014, 31 (11): 2095-2104; (in chinese)

[10]GUO Ting, YANG Xue-jiao, ZHANG Yue-li, WANG Hong-jun, YANG Yun-gui. Effects of oat cultivars and their mass ratios to whole corn on mixed silage[J]. Journal of Northwest A & F University(Nat. Sci. Ed.), 2014, 42(9): 27-32; (in chinese)

[11]DU Shu-zeng, YANG Yun-gui, XIN Ya-ping, WANG Hong-jun. Influence of Cultivars and  Mowing-stages on the Yield and Nutritional Value of Alfalfa[J]. Acta Ecologiae Animalis  Domastici, 2013, 34 (7): 44-48; (in chinese)

[12]YANG Yun-gui, CHENG Tian-liang, YANG Xue-jiao, ZHANG Yue-li. Effects of Different Growth  Stages of Three Oat Cultivars on the Nutritive Value of Silage[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2013, 21 (4):683-688; (in chinese)

[13]YANG Yun-gui, WANG Hong-jun, YANG Xue-jiao, CHENG Tian-liang. Effects of Disinfection  Treatments on the Seeds Germination of Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)[J]. ACTA  AGRESTIA SINICA, 2013, 22 (2): 380-385; (in chinese)

[14]YANG Yun-gui, ZHANG Yue-li, DU Xin, LIU Gui-yao, CAO She-hui. Study on the Major  Microorganism Changes during the silage processing of two kinds of corn silage[J].  Acta  Veterinaria Et Zootechnica Sinica , 2012, 43(3):397-403;(in chinese)

[15]LIANG Xi, SU De-rong, YANG Yun-gui. Effect of Irrigation on Biomass of Cool—Season  Turfgrass Mixtures[J]. ACTA AGRESTIA SINICA, 2008,16(1):60—64;(in chinese)

[16]YANG Yun-gui,LONG Ming-xiu,WANG Ying,JIANG Zhong-liang. Evaluation on the Nutrition  Value of Forage,Silage Corn and Straw Using Van—Soest Method [J]. ACTA AGRESTIA  SINICA, 2004,12(2):132-135;(in chinese)

[17] Yungui Yang, Xuejiao Yang, Hongjun Wang, Lei Hao and Enzhan Song. Effects of Spring Applications of K Fertilizer On Early Growth of Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). ASA, CSSA and SSSA Annual Meetings (Cincinnati, OH- Oct. 21 - Oct. 24, 2012) Procedings.

[18]YANG Yungui, Yang Xuejiao, Guo Ting, Zhang Xiaona, Song Shuhong. The evaluation of Nature Grassland Nutrition in East Wuzhumuqinqi of Inner Mongolia. Mongolia Journal of Agricultural Sciences, special issue dedicated for the internation conference on "Pasture and Grazing Management", 2013, 92.

■ Books 

1. Yang Y, chief editor. Computer Apply in Animal Science. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, 2001.

2. Yang Y, co-editor. Professional English for Animal Science. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, 2011.

■ Patents

1. Oxygen generator automatically, ZL 201010013716.7

2. Automatic water flowerpot, ZL 2010 20020575.7

■ Doctoral Dissertation 

Yungui Yang. Study on Dynamic Monitoring of Desertification and Land Production Evaluation on the Interlaced Area of Agriculture and Pasture in Northern Shaanxi. Ph.D. dissertation, Northwest A&F University, China, July 2006. (Supervisor: Prof. Qing-rui Chang)

■ Project Leader 

Task of China Agriculture Research System-Forage: The key technologies of high-quality forage product standardization production, (2011-2015).

Task of China Agriculture Research System-Forage-Oat: Oat forage utilization, (2008-2014).

■ Professional Skills 

Foreign languages: English(proficient); Japanese(intermediate)

■ Teaching 

For Undergraduates:

Grassland Science, 1988--present, Animal science

Grassland Ecology, 2006--2009, Grassland science

English for Animal Science, 1990--1999, Animal science

Computer Appling in Animal Science, 1998-2010, Animal science, Grassland science and Fishery

Remote sensing technology, 2011--2012, Grassland science

Modern Grassland Equipment, 2017-present, Grassland science

For Postgraduates:

Information Technology and Resources Investigation, 2003--2014, Grassland science

Computer Appling in Animal nutrition, 2001--2003, Feed and Nutrition

Research Progress of Turf Sciences, 2013--2014, Grassland science

Theory and Practice of Prataculture Extension, 2013-2014, Grassland science

Feed Processing and Storage Case, 2013--2014, Grassland science

Modern Agriculture Development and Practice Cases, 2018-present, Agriculture and Seed production

■ Hobbies 

Jogging, movies, video games, martial arts