Yang Peizhi

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-16

Academic address:Associate professor,Department of Grassland Science,College of Grassland Agriculture,Northwest A & F UniversityNo.22, Xinong Road Yangling City,Shaanxi Province, China, 712100

Mobile: +86-87090208

E-mail: yangpeizhi@126.com

1996-2000 Hebei Normal University of Science and Technology, Animal Science, BS.
2000-2003 Northwest A&F University, Animal Nutrition and Feeding Science, MS.
2007-2012 Northwest A&F University, Grassland Science, Ph.D.
2007-2008 Visiting Scholar, Department of Plant, Soil and Climate, College of Agriculture, Utah State University, USA

Work Experience
2003/07-2005/06 Teaching Assistant, Department of Grassland Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University
2005/07-2014/12 Lecturer, Department of Grassland Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University
2015/01- 2018/09 Associate Professor, Department of Grassland Science, College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University
2018/09- present  Associate Professor, Department of Grassland Science, College of Grassland Agriculture , Northwest A&F University

Research Interests: 
Research interests: forage breeding; forage physiology and molecular biology under abiotic stress; forage livestock coupling system; extraction and utilization of forage natural products.

Teaching Course: 
Grassland management, Forage cultivation, Forage germplasm resources and Biology. Forage abiotic stress biology, Turf science.

Professional Memberships
(1) Member of Chinese Grassland Society 
(2) Member of Forage biotechnology Committee of Chinese Grassland Society 
(3) Member of Forage breeding Committee of Chinese Grassland Society

Refereed journal articles: .
[1] Yafang Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Pan Zhang, Yuman Cao, Tianming Hu*, Peizhi Yang*. Rhizobium symbiosis contribution to short-term salt stress tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Plant and Soil. 2016,402:247–261 
[2] Zhiqiang Zhang, Linhui Shao, Leqin Chang, Yuman Cao, Tong Zhang, Yafang Wang, Yushi Liu, Pan Zhang, Xiaoqin Sun, Yajun Wu, Tianming Hu*, Peizhi Yang*. Effect of rhizobia symbiosis on lignin levels and forage quality in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016,233:55–59 
[3] Juanjuan Fu, Yanjun Miao, Linhui Shao, Tianming Hu*, Peizhi Yang*. De novo transcriptome sequencing and gene expression profiling of Elymus nutans under cold stress. BMC Genomics. 2016,17:870
[4] Zhang Zhiqiang, WangYafang, Chang Leqin, Zhang Tong, An Jie, Liu Yushi,  CaoYuman, Zhao Xia, Sha Xuyang, Hu Tianming*, Yang Peizhi*. MsZEP, a novel zeaxanthin epoxidase gene from alfalfa (Medicago sativa), confers drought and salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco.Plant Cell Reports. 2016,35(2):439-453
[5] Pan Zhang, Chengqun Yu, Peizhi Yang, Shehui Cao, Tianming Hu*. Karyotype analysis of five wild Elymus species of Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Indian Journal of Genetic. 2015,75(1):140-144
[6] Pan Zhang , Peizhi Yang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Bo Han, Weidong Wang, Yafang Wang, Yuman Cao, Tianming Hu* . Isolation and characterization of a buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides)dehydration responsive element binding transcription factor, BdDREB2. Gene. 2014,536(1): 123-128
[7] Yang Peizhi, Zhang Pan, Li Bing, Hu Tianming*. Effect of nodules on dehydration response in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013,86 :29-34.
[8] Bo Han, Tianming Hu*, Peizhi Yang, Weize Sun. Evaluation of eight alfalfa varieties for their production, quality, and persistence on the Loess Plateau. Australian Journal of Crop Science,2013, 7(8):1093-1099.
[9] Yang Peizhi, Zheng Hongmei, Larson Steven, Miao Yanjun, Hu Tianming*. Phylogenetic relationships of eleven Kobresia accessions from the Tibetan plateau. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2010,9(33):59-67. 
[10] Yang Pei-zhi,Wu Zhen-hai,Wang Quan-zhen,HuTian-ming*. Androsace erecta-A Newly Recorded Speciesof Primulaceae from Shaanxi. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica. 2008,28(2): 0403-0405

Book chapters:
[1] Li Haiying,Long Mingxiu(Editor in Chief),Xu Yuefei and Yang Peizhi(sub-editor), Forage cultivation, processingand storage, NorthwestA & F University Publishing Company, 2011 
[2]Zhang Yingjun(Editor in Chief),Yang Peizhi , Arid grassland production technical manual - modern grassland animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia ,Gansu and Ningxia, China Agricultural Publishing Company, Beijing, 2012

[1] Agricultural science and technology award of China (1st Grade) "Research and Demonstration of Efficient and Quality Industrialization Technology System on Cows”, Issued in 2011.
[2] Science and Technology Awards of Shaanxi Province (2nd Grade): "Research of Varieties Screening and Efficient Cultivation Technology of Pasture and Forage Crop” Issued in 2007

(1) China. Patent No. ZL. 200910219354.4–The liquid culture medium of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi in vitro pollen germination and the Method for determination of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi pollen vitality. Issued 2011.04
(2) China, ZL: 201210024784.2- A cultivating method for increasing the number and activity of Alfalfa nodule. Issued 2012.01
(3) China, ZL:201210596033.8- A kind of Alfalfa salt tolerance and drought resistance gene. Issued 2012.12

Project director:
(1) Research Station of China Agriculture Research Systems (CARS-35-40), Ministry of Agriculture of China, 2016/01-2020/12
(2) Molecular understanding of how root nodules enhance stomatal sensitivity to ABA- a mechanism associated with improved drought tolerance in alfalfa (31572456), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2016/01-2019/12
(3) Mechanism and function analysis of genes involved in drought tolerance improvement in alfalfa due to symbiotic interaction with alfalfa (31372357), National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2014/01-2014/12
(4) Abiotic stress response mechanism of grassland forages in Tibet, Science and Technology Bureau of Tibet 2011/01-2015/12
(5) Differential gene analysis of nodulation enhancing alfalfa drought resistance (30901050), National Natural Science Foundation of China 2010/01-2012/12,
(6) Alfalfa variety breeding and extension (2009K01-19), Science and Technology Bureau of Shaanxi Province 2009/01-2011/12
 (7) Forage breeding and extension-Medicago alfalfa×Medicago falcata (2008BAD3B02) National Key Technology Support Program, 2008/01-2010/12

Project participants:
(1) Drought Resistant related Genes Cloning and Function Analysis of Alfalfa Based on the Microarray Result (31272490), National Natural Science Foundation of China 2013/01-2016/12
(2) Technology integration and extension of Forage effective cultivation, forage-livestock coupling in Northwest China and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, National Key Technology Support Program,2011/01-2015/12
(3) Grassland livestock carrying capacity evaluation in Tibet (200903060), The agricultural special public industry of China MOA, 2009/01-2013/12
(4) Forage drought/salt tolerance gene cloning and transformation collaboration between China and USA (2006DFA33630), Key Collaboration Project of China MOST, 2007/10-2009/10
(5) Forage production technologies and demonstration in cultivated grassland(nyhyzx07-022), Special Fund for Agro-scientific Research in the Public Interest from China MOA,2007/01-2010/12
(6) Breeding and extension of high yield/drought tolerant alfalfa varieties(2008BABD3B05), National Key Technology Support Program of China MOST, 2008/01-2010/12