Hu Tianming

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-16

Academic address: Department of Grassland Science,College of Grassland Agriculture , Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi, China, 712100

Telephone: +(86) 29 87090189


Academic degrees:

 B.S. Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Grassland Science 1982

 M.S. Northeast Normal University, Ecology 1985

 Ph.D. China Agriculture University, Grassland Science 1996


2001-present: Professor; Doctorial supervisor; Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

2007 – 2018.09: Associate Dean of College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

2018.09-present: Dean of College of Grassland Agriculture, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

Previous Employment:

2000-2001: Associate professor; Master Tutor; Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China

1993-2000: Associate professor; Northwest University, Yangling, China

1986-1992: Lecturer, Department of animal husbandry, Northwest University, Yangling, China

1976-1978: Youth league committee; Educated youth in Inner Mongolia to go and work in the countryside

Professional Affiliations:

Member of the 7th State Council (grassland science) discipline evaluation group; Deputy director of the steering committee for undergraduate teaching of grassland science; Member of the national herbage variety examination and approval committee; Vice president of Chinese Grassland Society; Director of the expert committee of national herbage industry technical innovation strategic alliance; Deputy director of forage breeding committee of Chinese Grassland Society.

Research areas:

1. Forage germplasm evaluation and breeding. We focus on forage physiological and molecular mechanism under abiotic stress and alfalfa breeding.

2. Forage natural products extraction and their activity. We focus on forages natural products extraction and their activity, their function to the animal.

3. Balance between Animal and Grassland Production and the Management of Grassland. We focus on balance between Animal-Grassland Production and the Grassland Management in Tibet.

Offer courses:

 Spring 2001 – present: Grassland Science: Forage Cultivativation, won the provincial excellent courses in 2009, national excellence course in 2010 and national resource sharing class in 2013.

 Fall 2001 – present: Grassland Science: Grassland Management

 Fall 2000 – present: Grassland Science : Seminar in grassland research

 Fall 2000 – present Grassland Science : Seminar in turf grass Science research 

Academic achievements:

Presiding the project

 January 2019– December 2020: Mechanism of Ca2+ signaling mediated by EnCIPK31 gene under low temperature in Tibetan Elymus nutans (No. 31872411).

 January 2013 – December 2016: Cloning and functional study of genes related to drought resistance of Alfalfa based on gene microarray data, National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31272490).

 January 2011 - December 2015: High quality forage cultivation and livestock coupling technology integration and industrialization demonstration area of Northwest and Qinghai Tibet in China, Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program in the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period (No. 2011BAD17B05).

 October 2006 - October 2009: Cooperation research on China and America Pasture Drought tolerant gene mapping and transferred, Department of International Cooperation of key projects, International cooperative key projects of Ministry of science and technology (2006DFA33630).

 January 2007- December 2010: Demonstration research on forage production technology in artificial passture, The public welfare projects of ministry of agriculture industry (nyhyzx07-022).

 January 2006 - December 2007: Standardization integration and sharing of forage germplasm resources, National science and technology foundation platform project (2006DKA21007-8).

 January 2009 - December 2013: The grazing capacity of grassland and livestock allocation in different areas, The public welfare projects of ministry of agriculture industry (200903060).

 January 2011 - December 2015: Country pasture forage industry technology system in Xianyang Experimental Station, China Agriculture Research System (CARS-35).

 January 2008 - December 2011: Drought and high-yield breeding and industrialization demonstration of new alfalfa varieties, National science and technology support project (2008BABD3B05).


[1] Chen, W., Xu, R., Chen, J., Yuan, X., Zhou, L., Tan, T., Fan, J., Zhang, Y., Hu, T. Consistent responses of surface- and subsurface soil fungal diversity to N enrichment are mediated differently by acidification and plant community in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2018, 127: 110–119

[2] Chen, W., Xu, R., Wu, Y ., Chen, J., Zhang, Y., Hu, T., Yuan, X., Zhou, L., Tan, T., Fan, J. Plant diversity is coupled with beta not alpha diversity of soil fungal communities following N enrichment in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2018, 116: 388–398

[3] Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Liu, H., An, Y., Han, B., Wu, Y., Chang, L., Hu, T., Yang, P. Overexpression of an alfalfa (Medicago sativa) gene, MsDUF, negatively impacted seed germination and response to osmotic stress in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell Tissue And Organ Culture. 2018, 132: 525–534

[4] Chen, W., Xu, R., Hu, T., Chen J.,, Zhang, Y., Cao, X., Wu, D., Wu, Y., Shen, Y. Soil-mediated effects of acidification as the major driver of species loss following N enrichment in a semi-arid grassland, Plant and soil. 2017, 419: 541–556

[5] Fu, J., Wu, Y., Miao, Y., Xu, Y., Zhao, E., Wang, J., Sun, H., Liu, Q., Xue, Y., Xu, Y., Hu, T. Improved cold tolerance in Elymus nutans by exogenous application of melatonin may involve ABA-dependent and ABA-independent pathways. Scientific Reports. 2017, 07

[6] He, S., Long, M., He, X., Guo, L., Yang, J., Yang, P., Hu, T. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and water availability affect biomass and C:N:P ecological stoichiometry in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) during regrowth. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2017, 39 (09) :

[7] He, S., Guo, L., Niu, M., Miao, F., Jiao, S., Hu, T., Long, M. Ecological diversity and co-occurrence patterns of bacterial community through soil profile in response to long-term switchgrass cultivation. Scientific Reports. 2017, 07

[8] Fu, J., Miao, Y., Shao, L., Hu, T., Yang, P. De novo transcriptome sequencing and gene expression profiling of Elymus nutans under cold stress. BMC Genomics. 2016, 17

[9] Fu, J., Gates, RN., Xu, Y., Hu, T. Diffusion limitations and metabolic factors associated with inhibition and recovery of photosynthesis following cold stress in Elymus nutans Griseb. Journal Of Photochenmistry And Photobiology B-Biology. 2016, 163: 30-39

[10] Fu, J., Xu, Y., Miao, Y., Hu, T. Altitude variation in chilling tolerance among natural populations of Elymus nutans in the Tibetan Plateau. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2016, 38: 218

[11] Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhang, P., Cao, Y., Hu, T, Yang, P. Rhizobium symbiosis contribution to short-term salt stress tolerance in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Plant and Soil. 2016, 402: 247–261

[12] Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Chang, L., Zhang, T., An, J., Liu, Y., Cao, Y., Zhao, X., Sha, X., Hu, T., Yang, P. MsZEP, a novel zeaxanthin epoxidase gene from alfalfa (Medicagosativa), confers drought and salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Plant Cell Reports. 2016, 35: 439–453

[13] He, S., Guo, L., Li, J., Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Cheng, Y., Hu, T., Long, M. Advances in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and legumes symbiosis research. Acta Prataculturae Sinica. 2017, 26(01): 187–194

[14] Xu, Y., Chu, X., Wu, Y., Miao, Y., Xu, Y., Hu, T., Xie, G. Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza inoculation on cold resistance in Elymus nutans. Acta Agrestia Sinica. 2016, 24(05): 1009–1015

[15] He, S., Wang, Y., Cheng, Y., Huang, W., Tang, X., Pang, R., Li, J., Hu, T., Long, M. Collaborative carbon sequestration mechanism of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and switchgrass and soil carbon and nitrogen cycle regulation. Acta Agrestia Sinica. 2016, 24(04): 802–806

[16] He, X., Tao, Q., ShaYa, H., Guo, L., Long, M., Hu, T. Response of seed vigor and seedling growth of switchgrass to the artificial aging treatments. Acta Agrestia Sinica. 2016, 24(04): 834–840

[17] Li, S., Zhang, Z., Wang, Y., Zhang, P., Cao, Y., Yang, P., Hu, T. Effect of symbiotic rhizobium in alfalfa on physiological change under cold stress. Acta Agrestia Sinica. 2016, 24(02): 377–383

[18] Fu, J., Chu, X., Sun, Y., Miao, Y., Xu, Y., Hu, T. Nitric Oxide Mediates 5-Aminolevulinic Acid-Induced Antioxidant Defense in Leaves of Elymus nutans Griseb. Exposed to Chilling Stress. PLoS One. 2015, 10: e0130367.

[19] Zhang, P., Yu, C., Yang, P., Cao S., Hu T. Karyotype analysis of five wild Elymus species of Qinghai-Tibet plateau. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 2015, 75:  140–144

[20] Han, Y., Hu T., Wang, X., Hannaway, D.B., Li, J., Mao, P., Cui, Z., Zhu, Z., Wang, Z. Effects of Seeding Rate and Nitrogen Application on Tall Fescue Seed Production. Agronomy Journal. 2014, 106: 119–124

[21] Han, Y., Wang, X., Hu, T., Hannaway, D.B., Mao, P., Zhu, Z., Wang, Z., Li, Y. Effect of Row Spacing on Seed Yield and Yield Components of Five Cool-Season Grasses. Crop Science. 2013, 53: 2623–2630

[22] Fu, J., Sun, Y., Chu, X., Xu, Y., Hu, T. Exogenous 5-Aminolevulenic Acid Promotes Seed Germination in Elymus nutans against Oxidative Damage Induced by Cold Stress. PLoS One. 2014, 9: e107152

[23] Zhang, P., Yang, P., Zhang, Z., Han, B., Wang, W., Wang, Y., Cao, Y., Hu, T. Isolation and characterization of a buffalograss (Buchloe dactyloides) dehydration responsive element binding transcription factor, BdDREB2. Gene. 2014, 536: 123–128

[24] Fu, J., Sun, Y., Chu, X., Yang, L., Xu, Y., Hu, T. Exogenous nitric oxide alleviates shade-induced oxidative stress in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.). Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 2014, 89: 193–200

[25] Yang, P., Zhang, P., Li, B., Hu, T. Effect of nodules on dehydration response in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany. 2013, 86: 29–34

[26] Xu, Y., Fu, J., Chu, X., Sun, Y., Zhou, H., Hu, T. Nitric oxide mediates abscisic acid induced light-tolerance in leaves of tall fescue under high-light stress. Scientia Horticulturae. 2013, 162: 1–10

[27] Cheng, J., Cheng, J., Hu, T., Shao, H., Zhang, J. Dynamic Changes of Stipa bungeana Steppe Species Diversity as Better Indicators for Soil Quality and Sustainable Utilization Mode in Yunwu Mountain Nature Reserve, Ningxia, China. Clean-Soil Air Water. 2012, 40: 127–133

[28] Wang, Q., Xie, B., Wu, C., Chen, G., Wang, Z., Cui, J., Hu, T., Wiatrak, P.  Models Analyses for Allelopathic Effects of Chicory at Equivalent Coupling of Nitrogen Supply and pH Level on F. arundinacea, T. repens and M. sativa. PLoS One. 2012, 7: e31670

[29] Wang, Q., Xie, B., Wu, C., Chen, G., Wang, Z., Cui, J., Hu, T., Wiatrak, P. Algorithmic models of seed yield and its components in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis L.) via large sample size under field conditions. Euphytica. 2012, 185: 363–375

[30] Xu, Y., Chen, H., Zhou, H., Jin, J., Hu, T. Acclimation of morphology and physiology in turf grass to low light environment: A review. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10: 9737–9742

[31] Xu, Y., Jin, J., Liu, T., Zhou, H., Hu, T., Wang, Q., Long, M. Regulation function of nitric oxide (NO) in leaves of plant under environmental stress. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10: 15673–15677

[32] Wu, C., Wang, Q., Xie, B., Wang, Z.W., Cui, J., Hu, T. Effects of drought and salt stress on seed germination of three leguminous species. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10: 17954–17961

[33] Wang, Q., Hu, T., Cui, J., Wang, X., Zhou, H., Han, J., Zhang, T. Modelling of seed yield and its components in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) based on a large sample. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011, 10: 12584–12594

[34] Wang, Q., Bian, B.Z.M, Cui, J., Hu, T., Xu, Y., Xie, G., Miao, Y. Relationship between grassland protection and sustaining household livelihoods in Tibet, China. African Journal of Agricultural Research. 2011, 6: 1538–1543

[35] Wu, G., Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Chen, J., Hu, T. Long-term fencing improved soil properties and soil organic carbon storage in an alpine swamp meadow of western China. Plant and Soil. 2010, 332: 331–337

[36] Wu, G., Liu, Z., Zhang, L., Hu T., Chen, J. Effects of artificial grassland establishment on soil nutrients and carbon properties in a black-soil-type degraded grassland. Plant and Soil. 2010, 333: 469–479

Conference paper

[1] Yang, P., Zheng, H., Larson, S., Miao, Y., Hu, T. Polygenetic relation ships of  Kobresia Accessions from the Tibetan Plateau, Proceedings of  2010’ international symposium on forage,turfgrass and biofuel germplasm research, 2010.10.09-13, 79-86, Yangling,China 

[2] Yang, P., Peel, M., Weimer, B., Chen, D., Hu, T., Wu Y. Analysis of Dehydration-Responsive Genes in Alfalfa.American Society of Plant Biologists--- Western Section Annual Meeting. February 22 & 23, 2008. Utah Valley State College, Salt Lake City.

Awards and Honours:


 National Agricultural Science and Technology Award (1st Grade), Research and demonstration on the supporting technology system of high quality and efficient industrialization of dairy cows, 2011.

 Science and Technology Awards of Shaanxi Province (2nd Grade): Research and Demonstration on Forage and Feeding Crops Selection and Effective Cultivation, 2007.


 Hu Tianming, Yang Peizhi, Liu zhigang. Liquid culture medium for pollen germination of Baicalin in vitro and method for determination of pollen viability of Radix. China. Patent No. ZL. 200910219354.4. Issued April 2011.

 Yang Peizhi, Wang Weidong, Zhang Pan, Zhang Zhiqiang, Hu Tianming, Miao Yanjun. A culture method for improving the quantity and activity of Alfalfa nodule. China. Patent No. ZL.201210024784.2. January 2012.

 Han Bo, Yang Peizhi, Hu Tianming, Yu Chengqun, Wang Weidong, Zhang Pan, Zhang Zhi qiang. Genes related to drought and salt resistant in alfalfa. China. Patent No. 201210596033.8. December 2012.