1. Personal Details
Zhang Zhiyi, male, was born on September 18th, 1974, in Shanxi XiaXian. Zhang Zhiyi received his bachelor from Shanxi University in 1998, master, and PhD degrees of Electronic Information Engineering from Iwate University, Japan in 2002 and 2004, respectively. Then, he was appointed as a post-doctoral fellow for half a year in Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan. Now he is a professor with College of Information Engineering, Northwest A&F University.
2. Research Interests
Computer Aided Design and Graphics, Computer Vision, Computer Aided Geometric Design.
3. Courses
Undergraduate: Computer Graphics.
Graduate: Graphics and Virtual Reality, Advanced Computer 3D Modeling
4. Achievements
Since 2002, he has been engaged in computer aided design and graphics, computer vision. He has published more than 40 papers in international and domestic journals and conferences. He has done some jobs in building all-weather laser 3D scanning system, point clouds registration and 3D model reconstruction.
5. Contact Information
P.B. 50#,
College of Information Engineering,
Northwest A&F University,
Shaanxi Province, Yangling District, China.
E-mail: zhangzhiyi@nwafu.edu.cn