Ren Yanjun

Sourse:   Date:2022-11-03

Yanjun Ren, Ph.D.


College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University  

Date of Birth: 1986.05.13

Address:3 Taicheng Rd, Yangling District, Xianyang, Shaanxi, China, 712100


Language: Chinese (mother tongue), English (fluent), German (fair)Personal Bio    

Yanjun Ren, Professor and PhD supervisor at the College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University, received his PhD in Agricultural economics from the Institute of Agricultural Economics, University of Kiel, Germany, in 2017, and continuously conducted postdoctoral research from 2017 to 2019. He serves as the director of the Sino-German Center for Agricultural and Food Economics at Northwest A&F University, visiting senior researcher at the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), and Senior Consultant at the Sino-German Agricultural Center (DCZ), the Ministry of Agriculture. His research interests include food economics, consumer behaviours, and development economics, with an emphasis on the sustainable food system and nutrition-related health issues in China. As of October 2022, he has published more than 30 scientific papers in academic journals such as  Social Science & Medicine, Regional Studies, Journal of Rural Studies, China Economic Review, Empirical Economics, China Agricultural Economic Review,  etc.

Research Interests      

Agricultural Economics, Food Economics, Health Economics, Consumer behaviours


Nov. 2012~Feb.2017  Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics, University of Kiel, Germany

Sep.2009~ July.2012   M.Sc. in Agricultural Economics and Management, Northwest A&F

University, China

Sep.2005~July.2009  B.Sc. in Physics, Shaanxi University of Technology, China

Academic Career    

Since Dec.2021 Professor, College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University

Since Dec.2021 Senior Researcher Fellow, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development

in Transition Economies (IAMO), Germany

Jan.2019 ~Nov.2021 Senior Researcher, IAMO, Germany

Feb.2017~Jan.2019 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of

Kiel, Germany


Food Safety and Management, Food pricing, Entrepreneurial Management


[1]. Yong Talent Project in Shaanxi Province, 2022.

[2]. Highly Recommended Paper in China Agricultural Economic Review, 2022

[3]. Outstanding Reviewer in China Agricultural Economic Review, 2021

[4]. Outstanding Contribution to the Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2020

Approved Projects      

[1]. Yong Talent Project in Shaanxi Province, 2022.06 -2027.06, PI

[2]. Research on Market Analysis and Consumer behaviour of Functional Dairy using VR, QinchuangYuan Project in Shaanxi Province, 2022.07-2025.06, PI

[3]. Research on Sustainable development of food system and nutrition-related health transformation in western China under the dual circulation pattern, Young Talent Project from Northwest A&F University, 2021.12-2026.12, PI

[4]. Digital transformation of China’s agriculture – resources, trade and food security, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), 2021.05-2024.05, PI (Subproject)

[5]. Research on the development mechanisms and realization paths of Green Agriculture based on the cooperation between the government and Enterprise Agricultural Association, 2021.10-2024.10, first participant.

[6]. The Role of Rood Retailing in Household Food Waste in Schleswig-Holstein: A Pilot Study, 2018.04-2019.01, PI


[1]. Yanjun Ren, Xiaofei Liu, and Jens-Peter Loy. 2022. Spatial Transmission of Price Promotion for German Beer Retailers. Forthcoming,  Regional Studies.

[2]. Yanjun Ren, Jiajia Zhao, Thomas Glauben, and Bente Castro Campos. 2022. Supermarket environment and nutrition outcomes: Evidence from rural China.  Journal of Rural Studies 92, (May 2022), 79–92. DOI:

[3]. Jie Dong, Qiran Zhao, and Yanjun Ren*. 2022. Dark Side or Bright Side: The Impact of Alcohol Drinking on the Trust of Chinese Rural Residents.  Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 10 (May 2022), 5924. DOI:

[4]. Yanjun Ren, Yanling Peng, Bente Castro Campos, and Houjian Li. 2021. The effect of contract farming on the environmentally sustainable production of rice in China.  Sustainable Production and Consumption 28, (October 2021), 1381–1395. DOI:

[5]. Yanjun Ren, Yanling Peng, Bente Castro Campos, and Houjian Li. 2021. Higher minimum wage, better labour market returns for rural migrants? Evidence from China.  Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra  ž  ivanja  34, 1 (January 2021), 1814–1835. DOI:

[6]. Yanjun Ren, Bente Castro Campos, Yanling Peng, and Thomas Glauben. 2021. Nutrition Transition with Accelerating Urbanization? Empirical Evidence from Rural China.  Nutrients 13, 3 (March 2021), 921. DOI:

[7]. Yan-ling Peng, Yanjun Ren, and Houjian Li. 2021. Do credit constraints affect households’ economic vulnerability? Empirical evidence from rural China.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture 20, (September 2021), 2552–2568. DOI:

[8]. Lijuan Miao, Zhanli Sun, Yanjun Ren, Florian Schierhorn, and Daniel Müller. 2021. Grassland greening on the Mongolian Plateau despite higher grazing intensity.  Land Degradation & Development 32, 2 (2021), 792–802. DOI:

[9]. Lili Guo, Xiaoyu Duan, Houjian Li, Wanjiang Yang, Yanjun Ren, and Yangli Guo. 2021. Does a higher minimum wage accelerate labour division in agricultural production? Evidence from the main rice-planting area in China.  Economic Research-Ekonomska Istra  ž  ivanja  (October 2021), 1–27. DOI:

[10]. Noshaba Aziz, Yanjun Ren, Kong Rong, and Jin Zhou. 2021. Women’s empowerment in agriculture and household food insecurity: Evidence from Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan.  Land Use Policy 102, (March 2021), 105249. DOI:

[11]. Yanjun Ren, Yanjie Zhang, Bente Castro Campos, and Jens-Peter Loy. 2020. Unhealthy consumption behaviors and their intergenerational persistence: The role of education.  China Economic Review 62 , (August 2020), 101208. DOI:

[12]. Yanjun Ren, Bente Castro Campos, and Jens-Peter Loy. 2020. Drink and smoke; drink or smoke? The interdependence between alcohol and cigarette consumption for men in China.  Empir Econ 58, 3 (March 2020), 921–955. DOI:

[13]. Chang Tao, Qiran Zhao, Thomas Glauben, and Yanjun Ren*. 2020. Does Dietary Diversity Reduce the Risk of Obesity? Empirical Evidence from Rural School Children in China.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, 21 (January 2020), 8122. DOI:

[14]. Qianqian Mao, Yanjun Ren, and Jens-Peter Loy. 2020. Price bubbles in agricultural commodity markets and contributing factors: evidence for corn and soybeans in China.  China Agricultural Economic Review 13, 1 (September 2020), 22–53. DOI:

[15]. Ulrich Koester, Jens-Peter Loy, and Yanjun Ren. 2020. Food Loss and Waste: Some Guidance.  EuroChoices  19, 1 (2020), 17–21. DOI:

[16]. Bente Castro Campos, Yanjun Ren*, and Jens-Peter Loy. 2020. Scarce Water Resources and Cereal Import Dependency: The Role of Integrated Water Resources Management.  Water  12, 6 (June 2020), 1750. DOI:

[17]. Yanjun Ren, Bente Castro Campos, Jens-Peter Loy, and Stephan Brosig. 2019. Low-income and overweight in China: Evidence from a life-course utility model.  Journal of Integrative Agriculture 18, 8 (August 2019), 1753–1767. DOI:

[18]. Yanjun Ren, Hui Li, and Xiaobing Wang. 2019. Family income and nutrition-related health: Evidence from food consumption in China.  Social Science & Medicine 232, (July 2019), 58–76. DOI:

[19]. 李会, 王晓兵, and 任彦军*. 2019. 中介效应机制分析的比较研究——来自农民收入与健康的证据.  农业技术经济  9 (2019), 58–72. DOI:

[20]. Yanjun Ren, Yanjie Zhang, Jens-Peter Loy, and Thomas Glauben. 2018. Food consumption among income classes and its response to changes in income distribution in rural China.  China Agricultural Economic Review (July 2018). DOI:

[21]. 王昕, 许平祥, and 任彦军. 2017. 国内外粮食价格波动的传导效应研究——基于VAR模型的产业链视角的分析.  价格理论与实践  12 (2017), 90–93.

[22]. Bente Castro Campos, Yanjun Ren*, and Martin Petrick. 2016. The impact of education on income inequality between ethnic minorities and Han in China.  China Economic Review 41, (December 2016), 253–267. DOI:

[23]. 任彦军, 崔永红, 宋海燕, and 彭艳玲. 2012. 西部地区固定资产投资产业结构研究——基于经济惯性视角.  西北农林科技大学学报  (  社会科学版  )  12, 1 (2012), 50-54+60. DOI:

[24]. 孔荣, 彭艳玲, and 任彦军. 2011. 农户联户担保参与决策过程及其影响因素研究——基于陕西、甘肃两省789户农户调查.  农业经济问题  32, 10 (2011), 96-101+112. DOI:


[1]. 2021.6, Overview on Food Loss and Waste: a Sustainable Approach. Sino-German Agribusiness Conference. Keynote speaker

[2]. 2020.6, Start Smoking Earlier, Smoke Longer and More: Does Education Matter?. AAEA Annual Conference. Oral Presentation

[3]. 2019.06, Supermarket Environment, Urbanization, and Overweight: Evidence from China. China-France workshop on “Nutrition Transition and Health Economics in Developing Countries”. Keynote speaker

[4]. 2019.05, Family Income and Nutrition related Health: Evidence from China. Chinese Economists Society 2019 China Annual Conference, “Health Economics: Health Outcomes” Session Chair and Oral Presentation

[5]. 2018.08, On the Measurement of Food Waste: A Comment. Paper presented at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE), Vancouver. Invited Oral Presentation

[6]. 2018.07, Family Income and Health: Evidence from China. Toulouse School of Economics, Toulouse, France. Oral Presentation

[7]. 2018.05, Unhealthy Consumption Behaviours and Their Intergenerational Persistence: the Role of Education. Nanhu International Young Scientist Forum, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China. Oral Presentation

[8]. 2018.01, A Brief Introduction to Spatial Panel Models using Stata, the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO), Halle (Saale), Germany. Invited lecture

[9]. 2017.06, Unhealthy Consumption Behaviours and Their Intergenerational Transmissions: the Role of Education. The IAMO Forum 2017, Halle (Saale), Germany. Oral Presentation

[10].  2017.05, The Impact of Education on Income Inequality between Ethnic Minorities and Han in China. China Agricultural University, Beijing. Invited lecture

[11].  2016.09, Unhealthy Consumption Behaviours and Their Intergenerational Transmissions: the Role of Education. The Sino-German Symposium 2016, Sichuan Agricultural University. Invited oral presentation

[12].  2015.06, Drink and Smoke; Drink or Smoke? – the Interdependence between Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption for Men in China. The Chinese Economist Society 2015 Conference, Chongqing University, China. Oral Presentation

[13].  2014.06, Heterogeneity in Food Consumption among Income Classes in Rural China”. The IAMO Forum, Halle (Saale), Germany. Oral Presentation

[14].  2014.04, A Food Demand System Estimation for Households Segmented by Income in Rural China. The Global Food Symposium, Gottingen 25th, Germany. Oral Presentation

Membership and Referee

Chinese Economists Society (CES), China Health Economics Association (CHEA), German Association of Agricultural Economics (GEWISOLA), German Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE)

Editorial board for  Frontiers in Nutrition , Guest editor for  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , Special Issue "Food Consumption Behavior and Public Health". Referee for journals of  PNAS, Food Policy, Journal of Rural Studies, Habitat International, China Economic Review, Agricultural Economics, Chinese Sociological Review, Economics & Human Biology, Forest Policy and Economics, Frontiers in Public Health, China Agricultural Economic Review, German Journal of Agricultural Economics, Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Nutrients   。

Updated by 11.Oct.2022