Qu Mei

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-17

  Qu Mei , born in 1978, associate professor at College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University. 2007.09-2011.10, study at University of Eastern Finland, received doctoral of science degree; 2004.11-2007.3, study at Swedish Agricultural University and University of Joensuu (University of Eastern Finland), received double master degree; since 2012.01, she started job at College of Economics and Management, Northwest A&F University. Her research fields involve Forestry policy analysis and stakeholder behavior analysis. Up to now, she published 10 papers and they are indexed by SSCI or SCI. she is hosting some research projects funded from National Natural Science Foundation of China and Key research and development projects of MOST.

  Tel: (+86)13379187108  Email: mei.qu@nwsuaf.edu.cn