Bin Yang received the B.S. degree in Mathematics and
Applied Mathematics from Lanzhou City University,
Lanzhou, China, in 2012, the M.S. degree in Applied
Mathematics in Minnan Normal University, Zhangzhou,
China, in 2015 and the Ph.D. degree in Computational
Mathematics in Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in
He is currently an Associate Professor with the College of Sciences, Northwest A&F
University, China. His current research interests include Fuzzy Logics, Aggregation
Functions, Rough Sets and Three-way Decisions. He has published over 16 SCI
journal papers in these areas, such as Fuzzy Sets and Systems,Information Sciences,
Artificial Intelligence Review, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.
Dr. Bin Yang is now a committee of Professional Committee of Granular Computing
and Knowledge Discovery of CAAI, a committee of Youth Working Committee of
Shaanxi Mathematics Association, a reviewer of China Academic Degrees and
Graduate Education Development Center, an Associate Editor of Journal of
Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems and a member of the Editorial Board of Journal of
Advanced Studies in Topology. He was invited as reviewer of the journals such as
Fuzzy Sets and Systems,IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,Information Sciences,
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence Review ,
Knowledge-Based Systems,FILOMAT,Soft Computing,Journal of Intelligent and
Fuzzy Systems.
Work Experience
2018.7-- College of Sciences, Northwest A&F University, China, Associate Professor,
Doctoral Supervisor (Agricultural Economy and Management), Master Tutor
(Applied Mathematics)
Research Focus
1. Fuzzy Logics
2. Aggregation Functions
3. Rough Sets
4. Three-way Decisions and Multi-Attribute Decision-Making ( MADM)
5. Data Analysis and Modeling of Agricultural Finance
Paper Publications
1. Bin Yang,Mohammed Atef*, Novel classes of fuzzy \beta-covering-based rough
set over two distinct universes, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2022.
2. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, On some types of fuzzy covering-based rough sets,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 312 (2017) 36-65.
3. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*. Fuzzy neighborhood operators and their corresponding
derived fuzzy coverings, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2019, 370: 1-33.
4. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*. A fuzzy covering-based rough set model and its
generalization over fuzzy lattice, Information Sciences, 2016, 367-368: 463–486.
5. Bin Yang*, Fuzzy covering-based rough set on two different universes and its
application, Artificial Intelligence Review 2022, 10.1007/s10462-021-10115-y .
6 Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*. Matrix representations and interdependency on L-fuzzy
covering-based approximation operators, International Journal of Approximate
Reasoning, 2018, 96: 57–77.
7. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*. Communication between fuzzy information systems
using fuzzy covering-based rough sets , International Journal of Approximate
Reasoning, 2018, 103: 414–436.
8. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*. Note on “A rough set approach to the characterization
of transversal matroids”
, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2017, 80:
214–216. 9. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu*, Junsheng Qiao. Three-way decisions with rough
membership functions in covering approximation space, Fundamenta Informaticae,
2019, 165(2): 157-191.
10. Yingjie Zhu, Bin Yang*, Optimal scale combination selection for inconsistent
multi-scale decision tables, Soft Computing, 2022,10.1007/s00500-022-07102-y
11. Bin Yang, Ziqiong Lin, William Zhu*, Covering-Based Rough Sets on Eulerian
Matroids, Journal of Applied Mathematics 2013 (2013) Article ID 254797, 8pages.
12. Bin Yang, William Zhu*, A new type of covering-based rough sets, International
Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology, Springer, 2014, pp. 489–
13. Bin Yang, William Zhu*, Covering-based rough sets on covering-circuit matroids,
International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, IEEE, 2014,
14. Bin Yang, William Zhu*, Matroidal structure of generalized rough sets based on
symmetric and transitive relations, IEEE Canadian Conference of Electrical And
Computer Engineering, 2013, pp. 1-5.
15. Bin Yang*. Characterizations and applications of parametric covering-based
rough sets. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 2019,(37): 2637-2650.
16. Bin Yang*. A Fuzzy Covering-based Rough Set Model on Residuated Lattices.
Fuzzy systems and Mathematics 2020 (34) 26-42.
Research Projects
1. “Research on multigranulation fuzzy covering-based rough set models and their
applications based on incomplete decision systems”, National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Grant No. 12101500), 2022/01-2024/12.
2. “Research on multigranulation fuzzy covering-based rough set models and based
on incomplete decision systems”, Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (Grant No.
2452018054) , 2021/01-2021/12.
3. “Research on fuzzy covering-based rough set models on two different universes”,
Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (Grant No. 2452018054), 2018/09-2021/8. 4. “Research on dynamic multi-scale incomplete agricultural economic management
data modeling method based on Granular Computing”, Special project of introducing
domestic doctors in Shaanxi Province, 2021/01-2023/12.
Teaching Research
1. “Research on the process evaluation system of mathematical analysis based on
quality orientation”,Education reformation projects of Northwest A&F University
(No. JY1903163)(Completed,Excellent)
2. “Robotics Courses of postgraduate construction and teaching methods to explore”,
Postgraduate education reformation projects of Northwest A&F University (No.
Offering Courses
Undergraduate Students Courses:Probability theory, Mathematical analysis,
Optimization theory, Fuzzy mathematics.
Postgraduate Courses: Statistic learning method, Residual lattice and fuzzy set.
1. Not graduated:
2020.09-2023.06:Tiantai Lin (Master student)、Gongao Qi (Master student).
2021.09-2024.06:Wei Li (Master student).
2022.09-2026.06: Xiaolei Wang (Ph.d student).
2. Graduated:
2018.09-2021.06:Haijin Zeng (Master student, excellent master paper of Northwest
A&F University. Haijin Zeng now is a Ph.d student at Ghent University in Belgium).
2019.09-2022.06:Wenfeng Kong (Master student. Wenfeng Kong now is a Ph.d
student at Dalian University of Technology).
Contact Information
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