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Liu Yi

Sourse:   Date:2015-10-14

Liu Yi

Gender: Female
Date of birth(mm-dd-yyyy): 19-06-1976                        
Technical titles:
Lecturer in College of Humanities
B.A. Japanese Language and Literature, University of Foreign Studies, 1995
M.S. Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Northwest University, 1999
Ph.D.Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature, Peking University, 2002
Research Interests:
Modern Chinese Literature, East Asian literature, Comparative Literature
Academic and Research achievements:
I set up an academic system: Cultural vulnerability assessment system. It’s very new and fresh. Can be used to assess the value of cultural transmission. When I am PHD.I went to Japan and study Comparative Literature between China and Japan. My paper was awarded China's Top 100.After I work at Northwest A&F University, I published a monograph and many papers at important Journals.  As A comparative study of two popular literary theory in the 1920s/ Kuriyagawa literary thought in China / Analysis of "medium" effect Guliyagawa spread in China etc. And I also applied to the Ministry of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences Fund——1919~1949:A comparative study 'impression' of the Sino-Japanese text in China.
Contact Information:
Address: College of Humanities, Yangling, Shannxi, P. R. China. 712100
E-mail: liufulaiya@163.com