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Ji Wanquan

Sourse:   Date:2015-06-10

Name: Ji Wanquan
Date of Birth: February 02, 1963
Address: Department of Plant Science and Technology,
College of Agronomy,
Northwest A&F University ,
Weihui Road No.3, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100
Telephone: 0086-029-87081319(0),
Fax: 0086-029-87082854
E-mai: jiwanquan2003@126.com

1996~2001 Ph. D at China Agricultural University.
1985~1988 M.A. at Northwestern Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, advised by Prof. Zhensheng Li.
1979~1983 B.A. at Department of Agronomy, Northwestern Agricultural University.

Research Experiences:
1994~Present: Molecular cytogenetics and breeding of wheat at Department of Plant Science and Technology, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University. Mainly work concentrate on development of wheat new varieties by mens of transferring alien genes of disease resistance and quality from Agropyron, Secale, Haynaldia, Aegilops, and Triticum dicoccoides into common wheat.
1993~1994: Molecular cytogenetics at Plant Research Centre of Canada. Identifiied the derivatives of Secale cereal - Triticum aestivum and Agropyron intermedium - Triticum aestivum by in situ hybridization, RAPD, and Southern hybridization.
1988~1993: Chromosome engineering and breeding of wheat at SAAS. Developed the stable self-fertile nullisomic lines of wheat; Transferred stripe rust resistance and powdery mildew resistance genes from wild species into common wheat and analyzed them by cytological and biochemical methods; improved their traits and released two of them as new varieties .
1985~1988 : Chromosome engineering of plant at Northwestern Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Developed a set of monosomics in winter-type wheat.
1983~1985: Genetics and breeding of maize at Daqing Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Heinongjiang province.

Main Publications:
1. Ali M, W.Q. Ji, Y.G. Hu, G.M. Baloch, H.Zhong,and C.Y. Wang,Molecular implications from SSR markers for stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f.sp.tritici) resistance gene in bread wheat line N95175,PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY,2010(1):383-390;
2. Zeng XQ,Wang YJ, Li WY, Wang CY, Liu XL, and Ji QW. Comprison of the geneti diversity between Triticun aestivum ssp.tibetanum Shao and Tibetan wheat landraces (Triticun aestivum L)by using Intron-Splice Junction primers.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.Published online:22April 2010.
3. Wang CY, Ji WQ, Wang QY, Xue XZ, Ren ZL, Zhang H, and Cai DM. Development of microsatellite markers in wheat genetics and breeding research. J. Triticeae Crops, 2004, 24(1):70-74.
4. Ji WQ, Wang CY, Wang QY, Xue XZ, and Cai DM. SSR analysis of wheat germplasm N9134 with powdery mildew resistance. Proc. of Chinese Crops Genetics and Breeding Symposium, 2003, Hefei, Anhui, pp391-394.
5. Ji WQ, Wang CY, Wang QY, Xue XZ, Ren ZL, Zhang H, Cai DM, and Wang YJ. Advancement in the Innovation of wheat germplasm with large-spike. J. Triticeae Crops, 2003, 23(4):126-130.
6. Zhang H, Luo H, Ji WQ, Wang CY, Wang QY, Xue XZ. Advancement in the Innovation of wheat germplasm with large-spike. J. Triticeae Crops, 2003, 23(1):31-33.
7. Wang CY, Li XZ, Ji WQ, Wang QY, Xue XZ. Cytogenetics and morphology of the derivatives from a cross between Triticum aestivum and apomictic Elymus rectisetus. J. Triticeae Crops, 2003, 23(1):5-9.
8. Ji, WQ, Wang CY, Wang QY, Xue XZ, and Cai DM. Genetic analysis of wheat germplasm N9134 with resistance to powdery mildew. Plant Genomics in China IV, 2003, Yangling, pp119.
9. Wang CY, Ji, WQ, Xue XZ, and Wang QY. GISH and RAPD analysis of Triticum aestivum – Elymus rectisetus alien disomic addition lines. Plant Genomics in China IV, 2003, Yangling, pp122.
10. Ji WQ, Xue XZ, Wang QY, Wang CY, Ren ZL, and Zhang H. Development of wheat stripe rust and powdery mildew resistance resourse. Progress of Chinese Wheat Breeding Research, 2002, pp297-299.
11. Ji WQ, Xue XZ, Wang QY, and Wang CY. GISH analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium and Secale cereal. Advance in Chromosome Sciences,2002,Beijing, China, Edited by K Fukui and ZY Xin, pp207-210.
12. Wang CY, Ji WQ, Wang QY, Xue XZ, Ren ZL, Zhang H, and Cai DM. Molecular cytogenetics study on a wheat –Thinopyrum intermedium derivative resistance to stripe rust. Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occident. Sin., 2002, 22(3): 530-534.
13. Ji WQ, XZ Xue, QY Wang, CY Wang, G Fedak, P Rene, and GT Liu, 2001. GISH Analysis of Thinopyrum intermedium. Acta Bot. Boreal.-Occident. Sin., 21(3): 401-405.
14. Deng ZY, HX Zhao, SH Fan, WQ Ji, AG Guo, and XZ Xue, 2001. Purification and biochemical characterization of High-molecular-weight-glutenin subunits 14 and 15. Acta Genetica Sinica, 28(1): 46-51.
15. Liu Bao, YS Luan, FP Han, WQ Ji, and MY He 2001. Cell culture induced introgression of Thinopyrum intermedium chromatin into common wheat. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 65: 9-13.
16. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, QY Wang, ZL Ren, CY Wang, H Zhang, and DM Cai, 2000. Development of new wheat varieties and new germplasm by means of chromosome engineering. J Agri. Biotech., 8(2, suppl.): 15-18.
17. Wang CY, WQ Ji, and XZ Xue, 2000. The application of molecular marker techniques in wheat genetics and breeding research. J Triticeae Crops, 20(4):75-80.
18. Ren ZL, WQ Ji, HX Zhao, and XZ Xue, 2000. Development and industrial exploitation of a new bread wheat variety Shaanmai 150. J Triticeae Crops, 20(1):74-77.
19. Wang QY, WQ Ji, XZ Xue, and CY Wang, 1999. Development of Haynaldia villosa-Triticum aestivum alien substitution line with powdery mildew resistance . Acta Agr. Boreali -Occid. Sin., 8(1): 27-29.
20. Ji WQ, XZ Xue, QY Wang, and CY Wang, 1998. A preliminary studies on disomic alien substitution lines of Thinopyrum intermedium- Triticum aestivum. Proc. 18th Intern. Congr. Genet. Satellite Meeting(Kunming, China), pp77-78.
21. Zhao HX, SW Hu WQ Ji and D Mares, 1998. The effects of allelic variation at Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci on the size distribution of polymeric protein and flour mixing properties. Scientia Agricult. Sin., 31(1)69-75.
22. Ji WQ, XZ Xue, QY Wang, and JL Chen, 1996. Nullisomic analysis of rust resistant gene(s) in common wheat. Proc. 9th EC-COST(The Nethernland),pp249.
23. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, XZ Wang, XT Xu, and JL Chen, 1996. Transfer of alien disease resistance genes into common wheat by means of chromosome engineering. Proc.9th EC-COST(The Nethernlands), pp179-181.
24. Wang QY, WQ Ji, XZ Xue, and CY Wang, 1996. Study on the transferring of powdery mildew resistance gene from Triticum dicoccoides into Triticum aestivum. Acta Agr. Boreali-Occid. Sin., 5(4):10-14.
25. Xue XZ, B Yan, JL Chen, WQ Ji, and QY Wang, 1996 Induction of somatic cell callus and establishment of somaclones from nullisomic wheat. Acta Agr. Boreali-Occid. Sin., 5(2): 27-30.
26. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, XZ Wang, XT Xu, and JL Chen, 1995. Production of new germplasm with disease resistance in common wheat by means of chromosome engineering. Proc. 2nd Asian Crop Sci. Conf., Fukui, Japan, pp100.
27. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, and QY Wang, 1995. Study on the chromosome deficiency effects in different genetic backgrounds. Acta Univ. Agr. Boreali-0ccid. Sin.,23(6):17-22.
28. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, QY Wang, and JL Chen, 1995. Nullisomic analysis of common wheat traits. Acta Agr. Boreali-Occid. Sin., 4(4):1-5.
29. Ji WQ, XZ Xue, QY Wang, R Petroski, and G Fedak, 1995. Molecular cytogenetic study on the genome composition of Thinopyrum intermedium. Progress of Genetics Study in China, Taiyuan, Shandong, pp100.
30. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, and QY Wang, 1993. The stable self-fertile nullisomic lines of common wheat. Proc. 8th Intern. Wheat Genet. Symp., Beijing, China, pp207-210.
31. Ji WQ, XZ Xue, and QY Wang, 1992. Studies on the nullisomics and their cytology of a cultivar wheat Abbondanza. Chienes J. Genet., 19(2):163-170.
32. Xue XZ, WQ Ji, QY Wang, and XT Xu, 1991. Establishment of stable self-fertile nullisomic lines in a cultivar Abbondanza. Acta Agron. Sin., 17(6):417-421.
       Xue XZ, QW Ji, XZ Wang, XT Xu, HX Zhao, and JL Chen, 1993. Chromosome Engineering and Breeding of Wheat. Published by Hebei Sci-tech. Press.

Main Research Achievements:
1. Establishment of stable self-fertile nullisomic lines in common wheat was got the third grade of National Invention Award in 1998;
2. Evaluation and Creation of wheat parents was got the third grade of Sciences and Technology Progress Awards of Ministry of Agriculture in 1998;
3. Three new varieties Shaanmai 150, Shaanmai 8003 and Shaanmai 8007 was registrated in 1998 and 1993.