Ⅰ. Basic Information 
Dr Hu, PhD and Professor in Crop Genetics and Breeding, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, is mainly engaged in understanding the biological base of drought resistance and photosynthetic efficiency in wheat using the combined strategy of crop physiology, genetics and molecular biology, and innovation of wheat germplasm with improved drought resistance and photosynthetic efficiency.
Ⅱ. Education background
B. Ag. Sc., Agronomy Department, Northwest Agricultural University, 1990;
M. Ag. Sc., Crop Genetics and Breeding, Northwest Agricultural University, 1997;
PhD., Crop Genetics and Breeding, Northwest A&F University, 2000.
III Work Experiences
July 1990-March 1993, Research assistant, Shaanxi Institute of Loess Plateau Control, Shaanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences;
March 1993-August 1995, Research assistant, Research Center of Agriculture in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas, Northwest Agriculture University;
Sept 1995-now, Assistant Researcher, Associate Prof and Prof, College of Agronomy (Department of Agronomy), Northwest A&F University (Northwest Agriculture University).
July 2000- June 2001, visiting scholar, the WA State Agriculture Biotechnology Center (SABC), Murdoch University, Australia
August 2001-November 2002, postdoctoral fellow, Institute of Evolution, University of Haifa, Israel.
Nov 2010- April 2011, senior visiting scholar, Rothamsted Research, UK.
IV Teaching Experience
General genetics, plant genetic engineering and bioinformatics to undergraduate students
Professional English, crop genetic engineering and molecular breeding to postgraduate students.
The textbook of "Plant Genetic Engineering”, associate chief editor, published by Science Press, China, 2014;
The textbook of "Principle and technology of Crop Genetic Engineering”, chief editor, published by Science Press, China, 2014.
V Academic Activities and Achievements
Projects as a principle investigator:
1."the molecular base and functional genomics of wheat tolerance to diseases and drought”, a prophase project of national basic research plan (973 plan) of Ministry of Science and Technology, 2007-2010;
2."Identification and utilization of genetic traits related to drought tolerance and high efficient water use in major crops” (2006AA100201), a key project of "863” plan, Ministry of Sci-Tech, 2006-2010;
3."Identification and utilization of wheat germplasm with high radiation use efficiency” (2013AA102902), a key project of "863” plan, Ministry of Sci-Tech, 2013-2017;
International collaboration projects:
1."More effective water use by rainfed wheat in China and Australia” (CIM/2005/111), Australian Centre of International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Australia, 2008-2013;
2."Breeding to Optimize Chinese Agriculture” (OPTICHINA, FP7-KBBE-2010-4), EU-China partnership initiative project, 2011-2014.
More than 60 scientific papers have been published by Dr Hu and co-authors. "Creation and evaluation of YS type thermo-sensitive male sterile wheat lines” was awarded as the second award of Science and Technology of Shaanxi province. 28 mater students and 10 PhD students have completed their study and obtained their degree.
Some recent publications:
1. Liang Chen, Liugen Hao, Martin A. J. Parry, Andrew L. Phillips, Yin-Gang Hu, Progress in TILLING as a Tool for Functional Genomics and Improvement of Crops, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2014, 56(3):425-443.
2. Yushen Wang, Liang Chen, Yingying Du, Zhiyuan Yang, Anthony Gerard Condon, Yin-Gang Hu, Genetic effect of dwarfing gene Rht13 compared with Rht-D1b on plant height and some agronomic traits in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Field crops research, 2014, 162:39-47.
3. Daoura Bachir Goudia, Liang Chen, Yingying Du, Yin-Gang Hu, Genetic effects of dwarfing gene Rht-5 on agronomic traits in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and QTL analysis on its linked traits,Field Crops Research, 2014, 156:22–29
4. Chen L, Hao L, Condon AG, Hu Y-G, Exogenous GA3 Application Can Compensate the Morphogenetic Effects of the GA-Responsive Dwarfing Gene Rht12 in Bread Wheat. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(1): e86431.
6. Tauqeer Ahmad Yasir, Donghong Min, Xiaojie Chen, Anthony Gerard Condon, Yin-Gang Hu, The association of carbon isotope discrimination with gas exchange parameters and yield traits in Chinese bread wheat cultivars under two water regimes. Agricultural Water Management, 2013, 119 111–120.
7. Huang Linzhou, Tauqeer Ahmad Yasir, Andrew L. Phillips, Yin-Gang Hu, Isolation and characterization of ERECTA genes and their expression patterns in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2013, 7(3):381-390.
8. Bachir Goudia Daoura, Liang Chen, Yin-Gang Hu, Agronomic traits affected by dwarfing gene Rht-5 in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2013, 7(9):1270-1276.
9. Xiaojie Chen, Donghong Min, Tauqeer Ahmad Yasir, Yin-Gang Hu, Evaluation of 14 Morphological, Yield-related and Physiological Traits as Indicators of Drought Tolerance in Chinese Winter Bread Wheat Revealed by Analysis of the Membership Function Value of Drought Tolerance (MFVD), Field Crops Research, 2012, 137: 195–201.
10. Chen X, Min D, Yasir TA, Hu Y-G, Genetic Diversity, Population Structure and Linkage Disequilibrium in Elite Chinese Winter Wheat Investigated with SSR Markers. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(9): e44510.
11. Chen L, Huang L, Min D, Phillips A, Wang S, et al. Development and Characterization of a New TILLING Population of Common Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). PLoS ONE, 2012, 7(7): e41570.
12. Liang Chen, Shi-Qiang Wang, and Yin-Gang Hu, Detection of SNPs in the VRN-A1 gene of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by a modified Ecotilling method using agarose gel electrophoresis, Australian Journal of Crop Science, 2011, 5(3):321-329
VI. Contact
Post Address: Dr Hu Yin-Gang, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, No.3, Taicheng road, Yangling, Shaanxi, P. R. China
Zip Code: 712100
Tel: 86-29-87080258, 86-13572570219
E-mail: huyingang@126.com; huyingang@nwsuaf.edu.cn