Name: Hu Sheng-wu 
Address: College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, P. R. China
Telephone: (86) 29-87082604
Fax: (86) 29-87082604
Email: /
Present position
Professor in Genetic and Plant Breeding. Director of Rapeseed Research Center of Northwest A&F University.
2003 Ph. D in Crop Genetics and Breeding, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University. Yangling, Shaanxi. China
Dissertation: Studies on the inheritance of the newly discovered genic male sterility accession "Shaan-GMS ” and molecular mechanism of its genic male sterility in Brassica napus L.
1990 M.S. in Vegetable Breeding, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi. China
Dissertation: A study on storage property of tomato germplasm
1987 B.S. in Hortiscience, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, Shaanxi. China
Areas of Research
Plant breeding of canola/rapeseed (B. napus);
Plant breeding of herbicide resistant canola;
Plant breeding of hybrid canola;
Breeding methodology studies in canola/rapeseed;
Quantitative genetic studies in canola/rapeseed
Employment Record
January, 2005- present: Professor in Genetic and Plant Breeding. Director of Rapeseed Research Center, Northwest A&F University.
Research Emphasis: Rapeseed genetics and breeding; Plant breeding of herbicide resistant canola; Breeding methodology studies in canola/rapeseed; Quantitative genetic studies in canola/rapeseed
December, 1998-December, 2004: Associate Professor. Director of Rapeseed Biotech-Breeding Section, Industrial Crop Institute, College of Agronomy, Northwest A & F University.
Research Emphasis: Discovery and application of genic male sterility in Brassica napus; Molecular breeding of oilseed rape; Characterization and utilization of Chinese and European rapeseed germplasm.
July, 1993-November, 1998: Assistant researcher. Associate head of Rapeseed Breeding Section, Cash Crop Institute, Shaanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
Research Emphasis: Rapeseed genetics and breeding; The screening method of cold-resistance in rapeseed.
July, 1990-June, 1993: Research Assistant. Cash Crop Institute, Shaanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Research Emphasis: Collection, evaluation and utilization of rapeseed germplasm; Breeding of new rapeseed cultivars with high yield, good quality (low erucic acid, low glucosinolates) and disease-resistance.
2010:Northwest A&F University,Top-Notch Talent Support Program.
2005: Northwest A&F University,Youth backbone Personal Support Program.
1998: Cross-Century Academic Leaders of Shaanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
1996: Young Academic Backbone of Shaanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
1999:Appraisal of wheat landrace and improved varieties in Shaanxi province, Science and Technology Progress Award of Shaanxi Province (The third grade).
1997: Collection, evaluation and utilization of rapeseed germplasm in Shaanxi province, Science and Technology Progress Award of Shaanxi Province (The third grade).
Jan-Feb, 2010:Visiting Professor, Department of Plant Science, University of Manitoba, 66 Dafoe Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2
Research Emphasis: Molecular breeding in Canola breeding.
Mar-Nov, 2006: Visiting Professor, Department of Agronomy, Kansas State University, 3014 Throckmorton Plant Sciences Center, Manhattan, KS 66502.
Research Emphasis: Development of SNP markers for wheat and Aluminum tolerance test.
April, 2004-June, 2007: Postdoctoral fellow. Oil Crops Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences.Wuhan, Hubei, China
Research Emphasis: Monitoring the expression profiles of fertility-related genes in a dominant digenic male sterile accession "Shaan-GMS” of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) using Arabidopsis thaliana microarray.
October, 1998-March, 1999: Visiting Scientist, Research Institute of Crop Production (Prague), 16106 Prague-Ruzyne, Drnovska 507, Czech Republic.
Research Emphasis: Genetic diversity of Brassica napus accessions from China and Czech based on RAPD and AFLP markers.
Short Scientific Visiting Tour
Oct.15th to 24th, 2013: Diversity in rapeseed and wheat genetic resources of Chinese and Czech origin, characterization and evaluation of valuable materials using biotechnological methods for their further use. Sino-Czech Government Joint Project (40-12)
Sept 26th to Oct 2th, 2009: Sydney, World congress on oils and fats & 28th ISF congress. Oral presentation: "Characterization of an Improved Ogu-NWSUAF CMS in Brassica napus L.”
Sept 8th to 12th, 2008: Norway, Lillehammer, Symposium Brassica 2008
September 26-October 9, 2005: Visiting Saskatoon Research Center, Plant Biotechnology institute of National Research Council Canada, University of Manitoba, and Saint Mary’s University of Canada
September 11-October 2, 2002: Visiting Research Institute of Crop Production (Prague), 16106 Prague-Ruzyne, Drnovska 507, Czech Republic.
October 26, 1998-Novernber 11, 1999: Visiting Station de Génétique et d'Amélioration des Plantes, INRA, Route de Saint-Cyr, 78026 Versailles Cedex, France
Research Expertise
Plant genetics and breeding, Molecular marker techniques (RAPD, AFLP, SSR, SNP), DNA microarray analysis, Proteomics analysis, Primer design, Gene cloning and characterization, Biometrics (SAS, SPSS, Ntsys Statistica, DPS, etc)
Academic Membership
2012-: Editorial Board of Czech Genetics and Plant Breeding
2012-: Crop Science Society of American
2012-: Agronomy Society of American
1993-present: Chinese Society of Agronomy
1996-present: Chinese Society of Genetics
1998-present: Committee Member of Chinese Oil Crop Association
Journal Referee
l Invited as a referee to review and judge manuscripts from the academic journals: such as Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, Agricultural Sciences in China (China), Chinese Journal of Oil Crop Sciences (China), Crop Science, Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Euphytica, Hereditas (Beijing), International Research Journal of Plant Science, Journal of Agricultural Biotechnology and Sustainable Development, Journal of Crop Improvement, Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science
Patents: 11 in total.
1) Hu SW, Zhao HX, Li ZJ. Establishment of rapeseed cytoplasm type specific PCR markers and rapidly identification of rapeseed cytoplasm type. Chinese patent (ZL 200910022297.0)
2) Hu SW, Zhao HX, Chen YF, Cui JM, Zhang BJ, Xing ZL. Application of Monosulfuron-ester and its its sodium salt in preparing chemical hybridizing agent for Brassica crops. Chinese patent (Application No.2012102825673)
Hybrid for registration
"Shaanyou 803”,Passed China national variety trial(Huanghuai Regional,2010-2012),National registration no.(Guoshenyou 2012011)
Publications (*, Corresponding author)
In total, 92 publications, included 75 papers published in journals such as BMC Genomics, TAG, Plos One, Euphytica, Agronomy J, Crop Sci., GRARE, and so on, 8 papers in conference, and 9 abstracts.
Representive publication as follows,
1) Hongyun Tian, S. A. Channa, Shengwu Hu*. (2015) Heterotic grouping and the heterotic pattern among Chinese rapeseed accessions (Brassica napus L.). Agronomy Journal. In press
2) Yufeng cheng, Jianmin Cui, Zhanjie Li, Zhaoxin Hu, Zenong Xing, Jiao Wang, Huixian Zhao, Shengwu Hu*. (2015) The sulphonylurea herbicide monosulfuron-ester sodium as a special male gametocide in Brassica napus L. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. In press
4) Yufeng Cheng, Qian Wang, Zhanjie Li, Jianmin Cui, Shengwu Hu*, Huixian Zhao*, Mingshun Chen (2013). Cytological and comparative proteomic analyses on male sterility in Brassica napus L. induced by the chemical hybridization agent monosulphuron ester sodium [J]. PLOS ONE. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0080191.
5) Xiao ZD, Xin XY, Chen HY, Hu SW*(2013) Cytological investigation of development of anther in DGMS line Shaan-GMS in Brassica napus L. Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding. 49(1):16-23
6) Zhang RJ, Hu SW*, Yan JQ, Sun GL (2012) Cytoplasmic diversity in Brassica rapa L. investigated by mitochondrial markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution.60(3):867-974,DOI: 10.1007/s10722-012-9892-9
7) Li W, Jiang W, Zhao ZX, Vyvadilova M, Stamm MJ and Hu SW* (2012) Genetic diversity of rapeseed accessions from different geographic locations revealed by EST-SSR and RAPD markers. Crop Science. 52:201-210
8) Li W, Zhang JF, Mou YL, Geng JF, McVetty PBE, Hu SW*, Li GY*(2011) Integration of Solexa sequences on an ultradense genetic map in Brassica rapa L. BMC Genomics. 12:249 doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-249
9) Zhao HX, Li ZJ, Hu SW*, Sun GL, Chang JJ, Zhang ZH(2010)Identification of cytoplasm types in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) accessions by a multiplex PCR assay. Theor Appl Genet. 121,643-650
10) Zhang R,Liu HH,Zhao HX*, Hu SW*(2010)Comparison of two protein extraction methods for proteomic analysis of chlorophyll-deficient mutants in Brassica Juncea L. Prog Biochem Biophys.37(9):1025-1032
11) Hu SW, Bai GH, Carver BF, Zhang DD.(2008). Diverse origins of aluminum-resistance sources in wheat. Theor Appl Genet. 118(1):29-41
12) Hu SW*, YU CY, Zhao HX, SUN GL, Zhao SL, Vyvadilová M, Kučera R.(2007)Genetic Diversity of Brassica napus Germplasm from China and Europe Assessed by Some Agronomically Important Characters. Euphytica, 154:9-16
13) Hu SW, Fan YF, Zhao HX, Guo XL, Yu CY, Sun GL, Liu SY, Wang HZ.(2006). Analysis of MS2Bnap genomic DNA homologous to MS2 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana in two dominant digenic male sterile accessions of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Theor Appl Genet. 113:397-406
Book chapters
1) Shengwu Hu. Chapter 23, Characteristics of common disaster in rapeseed production in Huang-Huai region and their protection techniques. In: Hanzhong Wang (eds.) Technical Manual for disaster mitigation for Chinese rapeseed production. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. Beiji ng, Oct. 2009.
2) Shengwu Hu. Shaanyou 803. In: China Rural Technology Development Center (eds.) New technology for rapeseed high yielding. China Agricultural Science and Technology Press. Beijing, Sept. 2014
3) Changming Lu, Yongguo Zhao, Xuelan Guo, Rongzhan Guan, Shengwu Hu, Xiaoli Tao, Xiangxiang Zhao, et al.(translated)Genetics and Genomics of the Brassicadeae. Science Press. Beijing, 2013
Teaching experiences
l Cytology
l Advance in Rapeseed genetics and breeding
l Introduction to Rapeseed genetics and breeding
l Principal and Application of Crop Heterosis
Graduate and undergraduate students supervised
Two PhD students, 23 M.S. students, and 11 Bachelor’s students supervised in total.
1) Wei Li, PhD (2011) Integretion of solexa sequences on an ultradense genetic map in Brassica rapa. Awarded Outstanding Doctoral Thesis of Northwest A&F University
2) Chengyu Cheng, PhD (2014) Screening for new chemical hybridization agents (CHA) and mechanism of male sterility induced by CHA-MES in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) (Co-advisor).
3) Jiao Wang, M.Sc. (2014) Identification seed purity of "Shaanyou 803" in Brassica napus L. and molecular markers of one gene underlying chlorophyll-deficit trait in Brassica Juncea.
4) Gaoping Qu, M.Sc. (2014) Establishment of mutant library by EMS treatment and screening of ALS-inhibitor herbicide-resistant mutants in Brassica napus L.
5) Jingqiang Yan, M.Sc. (2014) Analysis of cytoplasmic diversity in Brassica napus L. and diversity of the A genomic in Brassica crops.
6) Qianxin Huang, M.Sc. (2014) Inheritance and cytological studies on a new type of CMS in Brassica rapa L.
7) Xin Xiaoyang, M.Sc. (2013) Charaterization of resistance to tribenuron-methyl in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and development of transgenic rapeseed with herbericide-resistance.
8) Xing Zenong, M.Sc. (2013)Investigation on male sterility inducing effect of a new kind of chemical hybridizing agent monosulfuron ester sodium in rapeseed.
9) Tian Y, M.Sc. (2012) Inheritance of chlorophyll-deficient mutant L638-y in Brassica juncea L. and molecular markers for chlorophyll-deficient gene gr1.
10) Zhang RJ, M.Sc. (2012) Assessment of cytoplasmic dna polymorphism in Brassica crops
11) Zhi WL, M.Sc. (2012) Studies on ecotypical male sterile line 373s and determination of rapeseed quality with NYDL-3000
12) Xiao ZD, M.Sc. (2012) Genetic studies on dominant male sterility Shaan-GMS in Brassica napus L.and genetic studies on an improved Ogu-NWSUAF CMS in Brassica napus L.
13) Cui JM, M.Sc.(2011)Preliminary investigations on male sterility inducing effect and mechanism of several new chemicals in rapeseed
14) Song LH, M.Sc.(2011)Comprehensive utilization Of two kinds of recessive genic male sterility lines in Brassica napus L. and genetic diversity of 70 Chinese cultivars in B. napus revealed by SSR markers
15) Zhang BJ, M.Sc. (2010) Effects and mechanism of male sterility induced by tribenuron-methyl in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) (Co-advisor).
16) Zhang R, M.Sc. (2010) Analysis of proteome and metabolic pathway in a chlorophyll deficient mutant l638-y of Brassica juncea L. (Co-advisor)
17) Liu HH, M.Sc. (2009) The physiological and biochmical characteristics, ultrastructure and inheritance of a chlorsis mutant in Brassica Juncea
18) Li H, M.Sc.(2009) Breeding of RGMS lines and investigation on the cytology of their anther development in Brassica napus L.
19) Sun XM, M.Sc.(2009) Characterization, cytology and inheritance of two eco-sterile accessions in Brassica napus L.
20) Chang JJ, M.Sc. (2008) Characterization of an improved Ogu CMS and Grey Evaluation on Hybrid Combinations in Brassica napus L.
21) Li Wei, M.Sc. (2007) Studies on ecotypical male sterile line 373S and a chlorsis mutants in oilseed rape
22) Liu MJ, M.Sc. (2006) The genetic diversity of Shaanxi soybean landraces.
23) Fan YF, M.Sc. (2006) Cytological observation and expression of fertility-related genes in recessive digenic male sterile A/B line in Brassica napus L.
24) Gao RC, M.Sc. (2006) Screening for resistance to Sclerotinia Sclertiorum in Arabidopsis mutants and studies on the expression of defense genes of GO-transgenic rapeseeds.
25) Yu CY, M.Sc. (2003) Relationships between genetic diversity based on biochemical and molecular markers and heterosis in Brassica napus L. (Co-advisor).
l Currently graduate students in the lab (2014): 8 PhD Candidates and 4 M.Sc. Candidates