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Notice of "The seed quality improvement and seed industry development in maize"

Author:   Date:2021-10-08    

Title: Theseed quality improvement and seed industry development in maize

Time: 4:30pm,October12, 2021

Venue: N8T07

Introduction of Speaker:

Dr. Riliang Gu is a Professor in CollegeofAgronomyandBiotechnology, China Agricultural University, and the Secretary-General of the Crop Seed Committee of the Crop Science Society of China. Dr. Gu received his bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in 2001 and 2006, respectively, from College of Life Science, China Agricultural University. He then started a job inChina Agricultural University and got two years scientific training in Iowa State University, USA and Hohenheim University, Germany.

Currently, Dr. Gu engaged in maize seed production and biological research. Through mutant screening and cloning, QTL mapping, and GWAS analysis, the functional genes that control maize seed development and germination were cloned, and it was discovered that processes such as RUB (Related to Ubiquitin) modification and RNA maturation play a central role in the development of maize seeds. He has published about 50 papers in journals such as New Phytologist, Plant Cell & Physiology. He also edited a textbook "Seed Production", and participated to promulgate an agricultural industry standard “Technical standards for maize seed vigor testing by cold soaking test”.