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Notice of Academic Report "Genomics, transcriptomics and effectoromics of the poplar leaf rust fungus Melampsora larici-populina"

Author:   Date:2017-05-16    

Title:Genomics, transcriptomics and effectoromics of the poplar leaf rust fungus  Melampsora larici-populina

Speaker:Sébastien Duplessis  

Time:15:00-17:00   2017.05.17  

Short CV:
Dr. Sébastien Duplessis is a Research Director (Habilitation) at INRA, the French National Institute for Agricultural Research, a world leading institute in agricultural research. He belongs to the INRA Division of Forest, grassland and freshwater ecology and to the Tree-Microbe Interactions Department at the INRA Center Grand Est-Nancy, which is focused on research in Forestry and Forest Ecology and the largest INRA French Forestry Center.

Dr. Duplessis is head of the Ecogenomic of interactions team (~50 people), a research group interested in ecology and genomics of tree-microbes interactions, including mutualistic and pathogenic fungi. He leads a research group interested in tree pathology and more particularly the poplar-poplar rust interaction. His work focuses on the understanding of the mechanisms and evolution of this forest pathosystem. In the past ten years, Dr. Duplessis' achievements in genomics and functional analysis of the poplar rust effectors has brought the poplar rust pathosystem as a pioneer model in forest pathology.

Dr. Duplessis had published more than 80 papers, including research articles, reviews and book chapters, more than 7200 citations, and h-index 30.

Dr. Duplessis is member of the editorial board of Molecular Plant Pathology and Frontiers in Plant Science. He regularly acts as reviewer for international scientific journals such as Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, PLoS Pathogens, Plant Cell, New Phytologist, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Molecular Plant Pathology, BMC Genomics, BMC Plant Biology, etc.

All teachers and students are welcome to attend!

The State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas
College of Forestry