Title: Horticulture in Michigan, USA, and understanding the epigenetic basis of development in apple
Speaker:Prof. Steven Van Nocker
Time:09:00-10:30,July 4 (Monday), 2016
Venue:Room 207, College of Horticulture, South Campus
Steven Van Nocker, Professor, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University (MSU).His goal is to identify genetic mechanisms that determine plant form, and to understand how these are regulated to drive development in the appropriate context. Research in his lab focuses on the relationship between the expression of developmentally important genes and structural dynamics of the chromatin that packages these genes. At the most basic level, the machinery that activates and represses genes as development progresses are well conserved among higher multicellular organisms including trees and people, and new insights can have both fundamental value to science and practical value ranging from plant agriculture to human medicine.
College of Horticulture