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Notice for Academic Report: “Software Tra-ceability technology and its application”

Author:   Date:2016-06-21    

Title: Software Traceability technology and its application 
Speaker: Xiaofan Chen, Ph.D.
Presentation time: 21 June, 2016 (Tuesday) 14:30
Address: College of Information engineering, 203

Reporter’s brief introduction:
Xiaofan Chen, Ph.D., her main research areas include software traceability, data mining and analysis, human-computer interaction, software engineering etc. She has published more than 10 papers in international conferences and journals. 8/10 papers were accepted by EI, one paper was accepted by ICSE (ranking: A+), three were by ASE and VL/HCC (both ranking: A). Dr. Chen has been invited to make presentations in many international conferences. She is a member of IEEE, ACM and NZCSA.
Every one is welcome to attend.

College of Information Engineering
20 June 2016