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Academic Report: New approaches & tools in apple genetics and breeding

Author:   Date:2015-11-13    

Title:New approaches & tools in apple genetics and breeding
Speaker: Van de Weg(Holland)
Time: 9:00 Nov.16th  2015(Monday)
Venue: Department of Horticulture room 207

Introduction of speaker:
Dr W.E. van de Weg and his colleagues Marco Bink and Hans Jansen initiated the concept of and related software for of Pedigree Based Analysis (PBA), which is an innovative and powerful approach for identifying small networks of genes that determine genetic variation in horticultural important traits using multiple breeding populations, cultivars and breeding lines.  He is the designer of the European project HiDRAS, He had a major role in the formation and performance of the EU projects ISAFRUIT and FruitBreedomics as the US federal CAP project RosBREED.
He is a recognised specialist in the interpretation of molecular marker data (SNP, SSR, AFLP), QTL mapping and the development of genetic linkage maps in diploid and allo-polyploid crops.
Van de Weg started his career with research on the genetics of resistance to diseases in apple and the octoploid strawberry. To date he is also working on fruit quality traits and food safety (hypo-allergenicity) and is involved in genetic research on peach, cherry, bayberry, rose and grape.

College of Horticulture
Nov.16th  2015