Topic:DNA demethylases interact with small RNAs to regulate stress response genes in Arabidopsis
Speaker:Dr. Wang, Ming-Bo
Time:Sep. 28th 2015. (Monday) 14:30-16:30
Venue:South campus scientific research building Room 1202
Introduction:Wang, Ming-Bo was a Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO Plant Industry running a group studying the function of RNA silencing and small RNAs in disease resistance in plants. In 2013, he was appionted as the Chinese ministry of education Yangtze River scholars visiting professor. Ming-Bo Wang is the author/co-author of 28 refereed research papers, ten invited review papers, and ten book chapters/technical reports, which published in world-class journals such as Nature, PNAS, PLoS Pathogens.
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State key laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid Areas