Title:Systemically Evaluation and Genetic Improvement of Switchgrass Drought Tolerance
Time:9:00~10:00 am 11/06/2015 (Thursday)
Place:Room 203,The State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau,Northwest A&F University
Bingyu Zhao
Associate Professor
Department of Horticulture
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
2004, PhD in Kansas State University
1997, MSc in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
1994, BSc in Qingdao Agricultural University
Professional Experience
2013.6- present,Associate professor, Virginia Tech, USA
2007.6-2013.6, Assistant professor, Virginia Tech, USA
2004-2007, Post-doctoral researcher,University of California-Berkeley, USA,
1999-2004, Graduate Research Assistant,Kansas State University, USA,
1998-1999, Research Assistant Professor, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China,
1997-1998,Research Associate,CAAS, Beijing, China,
Current Research Interests
Biofuel feedstocks; Plant and microbe interactions; Plant genetics
Selected Publications
1. Guofu Hu, Yiming Liu, Xunzhong Zhang, Bingyu Zhao and Erik Ervin, (2015). Evaluation of alkali-salt tolerance of thirty switchgrass (Panicumvirgatum) populations. PLoS One (in press).
2. Yiming Liu, Xunzhong, Zhang, Jiamin Miao, Linkai Huang, Taylor Frazier, Bingyu Zhao, (2014). Evaluation of salinity tolerance and genetic diversity of thirty-three switchgrass (Panicumvirgatum) populations. Bioenergy Research (s12155-014-9466-0).
3. Noam Eckshtain Levi, Tamar Munitz, MarijaŽivanović, Sy M. Traore, CathrinSpröer, BingyuZhao, Gregory Welbaum, Ron Walcott, Johannes, Sikorski and Saul Burdman, (2014). Comparative analysis of type III secreted effector genes reflects divergence of Acidovoraxcitrulli strains into three distinct lineages. Phytopathology (DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-12-13-0350-R)
4. Leon Van Eck, Rebecca M. Davidson, Shuchi Wu, BingyuZhao, Anna-Maria Botha, Jan E. Leach, and Nora L. V. Lapitan (2014). The transcriptional network of WRKY53 in cereals links oxidative responses to biotic and abiotic stress inputs. FunctIntegr Genomics 14(2): 351-362.
5. Linkai Huang, Haidong Yan, Xiaomei Jiang, Xinquan Zhang, Xiu Huang, Yu Zhang, Jiamin Miao*, Bin Xu, Tayler Frazier, Bingyu Zhao, (2014). Evaluation of candidate reference genes for normalization of quantitative RT-PCR in switchgrass under various abiotic stress conditions Bioenergy Research (s12155-014-9457-1).
6. Zhiyong Yang, Zhengxing Shen, Hannah Tetreault, Loretta Johnson, Bernd Friebe, Taylor Frazier, Lin-kai Huang, Bin Xu, Caitlin Burklew, Xin-Quan Zhang, Bingyu Zhao, 2013. Production of autopolyploid lowland switchgrass lines through in vitro chromosome doubling. Bioenergy Research (10.1007/s12155-013-9364-x).
7. NoppadonSathitsuksanoh, Bin Xu, Bingyu Zhao, and Y.-H. Percival Zhang, 2013. Overcoming biomass recalcitrance by combining genetically modified switchgrass and cellulose solvent-based lignocellulose pretreatment, PLoS ONE 8(9): e73523.
8. Taylor Frazier, Zhengxing Shen, Elizabeth Bush, Bingyu Zhao, 2012. First report of Pucciniaemaculatainfection on switchgrass (PanicumvirgatumL.) in Virginia. Plant Disease 97(3):424.
9. Bin Xu, NoppadonSathitsuksanoh,Yuhong Tang,Michael K. Udvardi, Ji-Yi Zhang, Zhengxing Shen, Maria Balota, Kim Harich, Percival Y-H Zhang, Bingyu Zhao, 2012. Overexpression of AtLOV1 in switchgrassalters plant architecture, lignin content, and flowering time, PLoS One, 7(12): e47399.
10. Michael P. Torrens-Spencea, Glenda Gillaspy, Bingyu Zhao, Kim Harich, Robert H. White, Jianrong Li, 2012. Biochemical evaluation of a parsley tyrosine decarboxylase results in a novel 4 hydroxyphenylacetaldehyde synthase enzyme, Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2012, 418 (2): 211-216.
11. Hong Zhu, Rui Xia, Bingyu Zhao, YongqiangAn, Chris D Dardick, Ann M Callahan and Zongrang Liu. 2012. Unique expression, processing regulation, and regulatory network of peach (Prunuspersica) miRNAs, BMC Plant Biology, 2012,12:149,doi:10.1186/1471-2229-12-149.
12. Shuchi Wu and Bingyu Zhao, 2012. The selection of recombinant binary plasmids generated by gatewayLR cloning in the Escherichia coli strain C2110, Molecular Biotechnology, 2012, DOI 10.1007/s12033-012-9548-1.
13. Sy M. Traore and Bingyu Zhao, 2011. A novel Gateway(R)-compatible binary vector allows direct selection of recombinant clones in A. tumefaciens. Plant methods, 2011, 7(1): 42.
14. Bingyu Zhao, Douglas Dahlbeck, Karina Krasileva, Rick Fong, and Brian Staskawicz, 2011. Computational and biochemical analysis of the Xanthomonas effector AvrBs2 and its role in the modulation of Xanthomonas type three effector delivery. PLoS Pathogens, 2011, 7(12): e1002408.
15. Bing Xu, Louis Escamilla-Trevino, SathitsuksanohNoppadon, Zhengxing Shen, Percival H. Zhang, Rick A. Dixon, and Bingyu Zhao, 2011. Silencing of 4-coumarate:coenzyme A ligase in switchgrass leads to reduced lignin content and improved fermentable sugar yields for biofuel production. The New Phytologist, 2011, 192: 611-625.
16. Bin Xu, Lingkai Huang, Zhengxing Shen, Gregory E. Welbaum, Xunzhong Zhang, and Bingyu Zhao, 2011. Selection and characterization of a new switchgrass (Panicumvirgatum L.) line with high somatic embryogenic capacity for genetic transformation. ScientiaHorticulturae, 2011, 129(4): 854-861.
17. MaikeRentel, LauriebethLeonelli, Dahlbeck Douglas, Bingyu Zhao, Brian J. Staskawicz, 2008. Recognition of the Hyaloperonosporaparasitica effector ATR13 triggers resistance against oomycete, bacterial, and viral pathogens. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 2008, 105(3): 1091-1096.
18. Bingyu Zhao, Xinghua Lin, Jessie Poland, Harold N. Trick, Jan E. Leach, Scot H. Hulbert, 2005. A maize non-host resistance gene provides resistance to bacterial streak disease in rice. Proceedings of National Academy of Science, 2005, 102 (42): 15383-15388.
19. Bingyu Zhao, Edna Y Ardales, Alice Raymundo, Jianfa Bai, Harold N Trick, Jan E Leach, Scot H Hulbert, 2004. The avrRxo1 gene from the rice pathogen Xanthomonasoryzaepv. oryzicola confers a nonhost defense reaction on maize with resistance gene Rxo1. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions, 2004, 17(7):771-9.
20. Bingyu Zhao, Xinghua Lin, Harold N. Trick, Jan E. Leach, Scot H. Hulbert, 2004. The Rxo1/Rba1 locus of maize controls resistance reactions to pathogenic and non-host bacteria Identification. Theory Applied Genetics, 2004 109(1):71-9.
21. Chunlian Wang, Bingyu Zhao, Qi Zhang, Kaijun Zhao, Quandang Xing, 2004. Identification of a new rice germplasm with resistance to bacterial blight and breeding of a new near-isogenic line. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 2004, 5(1): 26-30.
22. Jianfa Bai, Lourdes Pennill, JianchangNing, Se Weon Lee, JegadeesanRamalingam, Craig Webb, Bingyu Zhao, Qing Sun, James Nelson, Jan Leach, and Scot Hulbert, 2002. Diversity in Nucleotide Binding Site-Leucine-Rich Repeat Genes in Cereals. Genome Research, 2002, 12(12): 1871-1884.