Huang Jian

Sourse:   Date:2019-03-14

Ph.D, Associate Professor

College of Forestry, Northwest A&F University,

Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China.



I have an appointment of research in breeding and stress physiology of fruit trees with emphasis on jujube. The goal of my research is to discover and characterize the molecular process of fertilization, jujube fruit quality and environmental stresses on tree growth and fruiting, and develop management practices for improving orchard productivity and fruit quality. Nowadays, abiotic (Heavy-metal pollution, drought and salinity) are the major problems preventing fruit crops growth well and caused huge loss in developing countries.Specially, we hope to resolve the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis improving plant tolerance to those abiotic factors. I am also involved in undergraduate and graduate teaching.

Academic qualifications

1996.9-2000.7:College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University (BSc)

2003.9-2006.12:College of Horticulture, Northwest A&F University (MSc)

2009.4-2012.2: Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo (PhD)

Projects as Principal investigator: 

Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis improving Na+、K+homeostasis of sour jujube under salt stress condition. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 31870584), 2019-2022.
Molecular mechanism of jujube adaptation to salt stress. Key Project of Science and Technology of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Grant No. 2017DB006-1), 2018-2021
Ectomycorrhizal fungal community associated with Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) response to Mn pollution and its adaptation mechanism. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project No. 31300525), 2014-2016.
Geographical origin of Ziziphus jujubaby using chloroplast microsatellite markers.Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province for young scientist (Project No. 2013JQ3001), 2012-2014.

Journal Publications

Tian Liang, Weisheng Sun,Hui Ren, IshtiaqAhmad,Ngocha Vu,Maryam, Jian Huang*.Genetic diversity of Ziziphus mauritiana germplasm based on SSR markers and ploidy level estimation. Planta.2019
Huang J, Nara K, Lian C*, Zong K, Peng K, Xue S, Shen Z. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) in Pb–Zn mine sites of central south China. Mycorrhiza, 2012.22, 589-602.
Huang J, Nara K, Zong K, Wang J, Xue S, Peng K, Shen Z, Lian C*. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) and white oak (Quercus fabri) in a manganese mining region in Hunan Province, China. Fungal Ecology, 2014. 9, 1-10.
Huang J, Yang X, Zhang C, Yin X, Li X*. Development of chloroplast microsatellite markers and analysis of chloroplast diversity in Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill.) and wild jujube (Ziziphus acidojujuba Mill.). PLOS one, 2015.10(9).10.1371/journal.pone.0134519.
Huang J, Nara K, Zong K, Lian CL*. Soil propagule banks of ectomycorrhizal fungi along forest development stages after mining. Microbial ecology, 2015. 69, 768-777.
Zhang C, Huang J, Li X*.  Identification of appropriate reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015.197, 166-169.
Zong K, Huang J, Nara K, Chen Y, Shen Z, Lian CL*. Inoculation of ectomycorrhizal fungi contributes to the survival of tree seedlings in a copper mine tailing. Journal of Forest Research, 2015.20, 493-500.
Zhang C, Huang J, Yin X, Wang C, Lian CL, Li X*. Genetic diversity and population structure of sour jujube, Ziziphus acidojujuba. Tree Genetics & Genomics, 2015. 11,809.
Geng R, Geng Z*, Huang J, He W, Hou L, She D, Han Q, Long .Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi assocatied with Quercus aliena in Xinjiashan forest region of Qinling Mountains.Mycosystema, 2016. (07):833-847.
Zhu L, Huang J, Chen T, Zhou Y*. Root-associated and endophytic fungal community diversity in Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge Plantation. Journal of Northeastern Forestry University. 2015.(05):105-111. (in Chinese)
Geng R, Geng Z*, Huang J, He W, Hou L, She D, Zhao J, Shang J. Diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Picea asperata in XinJiashan Forest of Qinling Mountains.Acta Microbiologica Sinica,2015,(07):905-915. (in Chinese)
Zhang C, Huang J, Li X*. Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals the Metabolic Mechanism of L-Ascorbic Acid in Ziziphus jujuba Mill. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016.7:122-122.
Huang J, Zhang C, Zhao X, Fei Z, Wan K, Zhang Z, Pang X, Yin X,Bai Y, Sun X,Gao L, Li R, Zhang J, Li X*. The jujube genome provides insights into genome evolution and the domestication of sweetness/acidity taste in fruit trees. PLOS genetics, 2016. 12(12), 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006433.
Zhang Z, Wei T, Zhong Y, Li X*, Huang J*.  Construction of a high-density genetic map of Ziziphus jujuba Mill. using genotyping by sequencing technology.Tree Genetics & Genomes,2016. 12(4), 76.
Qi Yulin, Zhao Nanxing,Liu Jianjun, Huang Jian*. Biochemical responses of ten ectomycorrhizal fungal isolates to manganese. Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2016.12, 227:447.
Long D, Liu J*, Han Q, Wang X, Huang J*. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Populus simonii and Pinus tabuliformis in the hilly-gully region of the Loess Plateau, China. Scientific Reports, 2016. 6(1), 24336-24336.
Huang J*, Chen R, Li X*. Comparative analysis of the complete Chloroplast Genome of Four Known Ziziphus Species.Genes, 2017.8,34.
Chen R, Chen G, Huang J*.Shot-gun proteome and transcriptome mapping of the jujube floral organ and identification of a pollen-specific S-locus F-box gene. Peer J, 2017.5:e3588
Qisheng Han, Jian Huang*, Dongfeng Long, Xiaobing Wang, Jianjun Liu*.Diversity and community structure of ectomycorrhizal fungiassociated with Larix chinensis across the alpine treeline ecotone of Taibai Mountain. Mycorrhiza, 2017. 27(5), 487-497.
Wang Xiaobing, Liu Jianjun*, Long Dongfeng, Han Qisheng, Huang Jian*.  The ectomycorrhizal fungal communities associated with Quercus liaotungensis in different habitats across northern China. Mycorrhiza,2017.27(5), 441-449.
Zhao N, Han Q, Huang J *. Soil propagule bank of ectomycorrhizal fungi in natural forest of Pinus bungeana.Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2017. 28(12):3855-3861. (In Chinese)
Huang J*, Han Q, Li J. Soil propagule bank of ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with Masson pine (Pinus massoniana) grown in a manganese mine wasteland. PLOS one, 2018. pone.019862.

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