Prof Dr, Zhou Jianbin
Tel: 029-87082793 Fax: 029-87080055
Address: Xinong Road 3#, Yangling, Shaanxi Postcode: 712100
Research Interests
Biogeochemistry of carbon and nutrients (Nitrogen transformation in soil, interaction of nitrogen and organic carbon and inorganic carbon in soil);
Nutrient management and non-point source pollution control (especially in horticultural systems).
Stable isotope application in soil-plant system
1994-1998: Ph.D., plant nutrition, Dept. of Resource & Environmental Sci., Northwest Agricultural University (NWAU) (title: Contents and turnover of soil microbial biomass nitrogen and its contribution to nitrogen availability of soils)
1984-1987: M.Sc., plant nutrition, Dept. of Soil Sci. & Agrichemistry, NWAU. (title: Effects of different fertilizers on the quality of winter wheat)
1980-1984: B.Sc., soil science & plant nutrition; Dept. of Soil Sci. & Agrichemistry, NWAU.
Academic Appointments:
10-11, 2015, Visiting professor, School of Plant, Environmental & Soil Sciences, Louisianan State University, Baton Rouge, USA.
01-02, 2011: Visiting professor, School of Earth and Environment, The University of Western Australia, Australia.
01.07-01.30, 2008: Senior research scholar, Department of Soil Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
03.07-03.30, 2006: Senior research scholar, Department of Soil Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany.
2000.10-2001.10: Post-doctor, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering, Israeli Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
1987-2000: Assistant professor, Lecturer, Associate professor, and Professor, College of Natural Resources & Environment, Northwest A&F University.
Subjects of Teaching:
Nutrient Management in Soil-Plant System (for undergraduate students);
Plant Nutrition (for undergraduate students);
Biogeochemistry (for graduate students);
Basic Methods of Agricultural Resources and Environment Sciences (for graduate students)
Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution and Ecological Restoration (for graduate students)
Graduate Advisory Experience
19 Doctoral students, and more than 60 MSc students
Referee for journals
Soil Science Society of American Journal; Plant and Soil; European Journal of Soil Science; Geoderma; Soil Use and Management; Field Crops Research; Catena; Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; Journal of Soils and Sediments; Journal of Environmental Quality; Biology and Fertility of Soils.
Professional Activities:
- Member of Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, China (2014-)
-Director of Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and the Agri-environment in Northwest China, MOA (2011-).
- Co-chair of working group on nutrient management of China-UK Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN) (2008-).
- Board member of Chinese Society of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Sciences (2004-).
- Deputy Director of Education Division, Chinese Society of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Sciences (2012-).
- President of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Society of Shaanxi (2016-).
- Member of Soil Ecology Committee, Soil Science Society of China (2012-)
-Member of Nitrogen Panel of Soil Science Society of China (2015-)
- Editor Board of "Journal of Integrative Agriculture ”, "Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer”, "Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China”
Research Experiences
Some projects as principal investigator:
Migration and transformation processes of fertilizer nitrogen and its loss mitigation strategies in orchard and vegetable systems (National Key R&D Program of China, 2017YFD0200106, 2017-2020)
Response of inorganic carbon in calcareous soil to high input of nitrogen and its ecological relevance (National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.46171295, 2017-2020)
Loss fate and mechanism of the residual nitrogen fertilizer in soil of dryland on Loess Plateau during the summer fallow (National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 31372137, 2014-2017)
Controlling non-point source pollution in agricultural region in Qinling Mountain (Part of National Technology R&D Pillar Program in the 12th Five Year Plan of China (2012BAD15BO4-4), 2012-2016)
Nutrient cycles and utilization in different intercrop and rotation systems (Part of National Technology R&D Pillar Program in the 11th Five Year Plan of China (2007BAD89B02),2008-2010)
High efficient fertilization on dryland farming with limited irrigation in Shaanxi (Part of National Technology R&D Pillar Program in the 11th Five Year Plan of China (2008BADA4B09),2008-2010)
Mobility and biodegradability of dissolved organic nitrogen in soil ecosystem(National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 40773057, 2008.1-2008.12)
Nitrogen immobilization and mineralization by soil microbial biomass and their ecological effects on the Loess Plateau (National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 40571087, 2006-2008)
Soluble organic nitrogen in agricultural soils and its role in nitrogen supplying and loss (National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 30370288, 2004-2006)
International cooperation projects:
Knowledge, policy and practice for sustainable nutrient management and water resources protection in UK and Chinese agro-ecosystems. (Jointly funded by The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, UK, and Ministry of Agriculture, China , 2013-2016)
Co-chair of working group on nutrient management of China-UK Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN) (2008- )
"The 4th International Conference on C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture” (International (regional) joint research and exchange programs, NSFC, No. 31410303027, 2014)
Water-soluble organic carbon and nitrogen in Chinese arable soils and their role in regulating C and N mineralization (Project Based Personnel Exchange Program of DAAD with CSC of VR China, 2006-2007, PI of Chinese side)
Roles of nitrogen in controlling carbon sequestration and release from soil in ecological restoration system on the Loess Plateau (Key project of inviting foreign experts from MOE, 2008)
Developing new types of fertilizers (Project from SAFEA, 2000)
1.Original papers in journals with peer-reviewed
Papers published in English
Mengjie Xia, Zhujun Chen, Jingbo Gao, Zhanjun Liu, Huixia Li, Jianbin Zhou*. Summer fallow increases loss of residual nitrogen fertilizer in dryland of the Loess Plateau: a 15N-labeled method. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2018, 25:34155–34163.
Sajjad Raza, Jianbin Zhou*, Tariq Aziz, Rahil Afzal, Muneer Ahmed, Shahbaz Javaid, Zhujun Chen. Piling up reactive nitrogen and declining nitrogen use efficiency in Pakistan: a challenge not challenged (1961-2013). Environ. Res. Lett. 2018, 1748-9326/aaa9c5.
Sajjad Raza, Zhujun Chen, Muneer Ahmed, Muhammad Rahil Afzal, Tariq Aziz & Jianbin Zhou*. Dicyandiamide application improved nitrogen use efficiency and decreased nitrogen losses in wheatmaize crop rotation in Loess Plateau. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2018,
Lu Yongli, Kang Tingting, Gao Jingbo, Chen Zhujun, Zhou Jianbin*. Reducing nitrogen fertilization of intensive kiwifruit orchards decreases nitrate accumulation in soil without compromising crop production. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17(6): 1421–1431.
Huixia Li, Zhujun Chen, Ting Zhou, Yan Liu, Sajjad Raza, Jianbin Zhou*. 2018. Effects of High Potassium and Low Temperature on the Growth and Magnesium Nutrition of Different Tomato Cultivars. Hortscience, 2018, 53(5):710–714.
Muneer AHMED, Weijia YU, Ming LEI, Sajjad RAZA, Jianbin ZHOU*. Mitigation of ammonia volatilization with application of urease and nitrification inhibitors from summer maize at the Loess Plateau. Plant Soil Environ . 2018, 64(4): 164–172
Cai Miao, Chen Zhujun*, Zhou Jianbin, Han Jichang, Shi Qianyun. Effects of long-term cultivation practices and nitrogen fertilization rates on carbon stock in a calcareous soil on the Chinese Loess Plateau. J Arid Land, 2018, 10(1): 129–139
Zhi Quan, Bin Huang, Caiyan Lu, Yi Shi, Xin Chen, Jianbin Zhou, Yunting Fang∗. Formation of extractable organic nitrogen in an agricultural soil: A 15N labeling study. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2018, 118:161-165.
Zhanjun Liu, Zhujun Chen, Pengyi Ma, Yan Meng, Jianbin Zhou*. Effects of tillage, mulching and N management on yield, water productivity, N uptake and residual soil nitrate in a long-term wheat-summer maize cropping system. Field Crops Research, 2017, 213: 154-164.
Zhanjun Liu, Yan Meng, Miao Cai, Jianbin Zhou*. Coupled effects of mulching and nitrogen fertilization on crop yield, residual soil nitrate, and water use efficiency of summer maize in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2017, 24: 25849-25860.
Smith, L., Inman, A., Xin, L., Haifang, Z., Meng, F., Zhou J.B, Burke, S., Rahn, C., Siciliano, G., Haygarth, P., Bellarby, J. and Surridge, B., forthcoming, Mitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture in England and China, and the scope for policy transfer. Land Use Policy. 2016, 61: 208–219.
Bellarby, J., Siciliano, G., Smith, L., Xin, L., Zhou, J.B, Liu, K., Jie, L., Meng, F., Inman, A., Rahn, C., Surridge, B., Haygarth, P., forthcoming, Strategies for sustainable nutrient management: Insights from a mixed natural and social science analysis of Chinese crop production systems. Environmental Development. 2017,52:52-65.
Wei Zhao, Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, William Gale, Jianbin Zhou*. Effect of long-term fertilization on 15N uptake and retention in soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2016, 39(10): 1431-1440.
Yongli Lu, Zhujun Chen, Tingting Kang, Xiaojia Zhang, Jessica Bellarby, Jianbin Zhou*. Land-use changes from arable crop to kiwi-orchard increased nutrient surpluses and accumulation in soils. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2016, 223: 270-277.
Wei Zhao, Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, Jianbin Zhou*. Fate of residual 15N-labeled fertilizer in dryland farming systems on soils of contrasting fertility. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2015, 61:846-855.
Miao Cai, Yanjie Dong, Zhujun Chen, Karsten Kalbitz, Jianbin Zhou*. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the composition of maize roots and their decomposition at different soil depths. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2015, 67:43-50.
DONG Yan-Jie, CAI Miao, ZHOU Jian-Bin*. Effects of moisture and carbonate additions on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during closed–jar incubation. Journal of Arid Land. 2014, 6(1):37-43.
Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, Daniel V. Murphy, Xinhua He, Jianbin Zhou*. Fate of 15N-labeled fertilizer in soils under dryland agriculture after 19 years of different fertilizations. Biology and Fertility of Soil, 2013, 49:977–986.
WANG X., CAMMERAAT L.H., WANG Z., J. B. ZHOU, GOVERS G., KALBITZ K. Stability of organic matter in soils of the Belgian Loess Belt upon erosion and deposition. European Journal of Soil Science, 2013, 64: 219-228.
Bin Liang, Wei Zhao, Xueyun Yang, Jianbin Zhou*. Fate of nitrogen-15 as influenced by soil and nutrient management history in a 19-year wheat - maize experiment. Field Crops Research,2013, 144: 126–134.
DONG Yan-Jie, CAI Miao, LIANG Bin, ZHOU Jian-Bin*. Effect of additional carbonates on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during the closed-jar incubation. Pedosphere, 2013, 23(2): 137–142.
Gao Jiajia, Bai Xinlou, Zhou Bo, Zhou Jianbin, Chen Zhujun. Soil nutrient content and nutrient balances in newly-built solar greenhouses in northern China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2012, 94:63–72.
Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, Xinhua He, Daniel V. Murphy, Jianbin Zhou*. Long-term combined application of manure and NPK fertilizers influenced nitrogen retention and stabilization of organic C in Loess soil. Plant and Soil, 2012, 353:249-260.
Jian-bin Zhou, Chun-yang Wang, Hong Zhang, Fang Dong, Xian-feng Zheng, William Gale, Sheng-xiu Li. Effect of water saving management practices and nitrogen fertilizer rate on crop yield and water use efficiency in a winter wheat – summer maize cropping system. Field Crop Research, 2011,122:157-163.
Bin Liang, Xueyun Yang, Xinhua He, Jianbin Zhou*. Effects of 17-yr fertilization on soil microbial biomass C and N and soluble organic C and N in loessial soil during maize growth. Biology and Fertility of Soil, 2011, 47:121–128.
ZHOU Jian-bin, CHEN Zhu-jun, LIU Xiao-jun, ZHAI Bing-nian, POWLSON D. Nitrate accumulation in soil profiles under seasonally open "sunlight greenhouses” in northwest-China and the leaching potential for its loss during the summer fallow. Soil Use and Management , 2010, 26, 332–339.
Zhou Jian-bin, Chen Xing-Li, Zhang Ying-Li, Liu Jian-Liang. Nitrogen released from different plant residues of the Loess Plateau and their additions on contents of microbial biomass carbon, nitrogen in soil. Acta Ecologica Sinica , 2010, 30: 123–128.
Manxing Zhao, Jianbin Zhou, Karsten Kalbitz. 2008. Carbon mineralization and properties of water-extractable organic carbon in soils of the south Loess Plateau in China. Eur J Soil Biol ., 44:158-165.
Zhou Jianbin, Xi Jin-gen, Chen Zhujun, Li Shengxiu. 2006. Leaching and transformation of different nitrogen fertilizers in soil after application of N with irrigation: A soil column method. Pedosphere , 16(2): 245-252.
Jianbin Zhou, Michal Green & A. Shaviv. 2003. Mineralization of organic N originating in treated effluent used for irrigation. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems , 67(3):205-213.
Zhou Jianbin, Chen Zhujun, and Li Shengxiu. 2003. Oxidation efficiency of different oxidants of persulfate method used to determine total nitrogen and phosphorus in solutions. Communication of Soil Science and Plant Analysis . 34(5&6):725-734.
Zhou Jianbin, Li Shengxiu. 2002. Soil microbial biomass N and its relationship to uptake of nitrogen by plants. Pedosphere , 12(3):251-256.
Zhou, J.B. and Li, S.X. 1998. Soil microbial biomass C and N in their correlation to mineralizable nitrogen in some arable soils on Loess Plateau. Pedosphere , 8(4):349-354.
*=Correspondence author
2. Papers presented at the International Conferences
Nitrogen biochemical processes in a small catchment of intensive agriculture. International Conference on Nitrogen Cycling and Its Environmental Impacts in East Asia, Oct 19-22, 2017, Nanjing, (Oral presentation)
Fates of the applied nitrogen fertilizer after harvesting wheat on dryland soil. 7th International Nitrogen Initiative Conference, INI2016, Dec 3-8, 2016, Melbourne, Australia (Oral presentation)
Coupling nitrogen and carbon cycles in soil to increase N use efficiency and decrease its loss. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, USA, Nov. 15-18, 2015 (Oral presentation)
"Lou soil”, an old anthropogenic soil that compromises agricultural production and carbon sequestration. The 4th International Conference on C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture, Yangling, Shaanxi. 2014 (Oral presentation)
Organic carbon in Lou soil with thousands of years of cultivating history. 4th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics, May 5-10, 2013, Nanjing, China. (Oral presentation)
"Lou soil”, a fertile anthropogenic soil with thousands of years of cultivating history. Biogeoscience, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, San Fransico, USA. (Oral presentation)
Long-term combined application of manure and inorganic fertilizer increased N use efficiency and decreased its loss in loessial soils. The 3th International Conference on C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture, Beijing. 2012 (Oral presentation)
Effects of inorganic carbon on CO2 emission from calcareous soil during the closed- jar incubation. Biogeoscience, AGU Fall Meeting 2011, San Fransico, USA. (Oral presentation)
Combining application of organic and mineral nutrients increases nitrogen use efficiency while minimizing N loss. 2011 Yangling International Agri-science Forum, November 5-7, 2011, Yangling, China (Oral presentation)
Managing carbon and nitrogen cycles in soil for crop production and environmental quality. 2010 Yangling International Agri-science Forum, November 1-3, 2010, Yangling, China (Oral presentation)
Organic carbon stock and stabilization in Lou soils with long term addition of manures on Loess Plateau. The 2th International Workshop on C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture, 27-30th, June, 2010, Beijing (Oral presentation)
Nutrient and water managements of dryland farming on the Loess Plateau in China. Dahlia Greidinger International Symposium on Crop Production in the 21st Century: Global Climate Change, Environmental Risks and Water Scarcity, March 2-5, 2009, Technion-IIT, Haifa, Israel (poster)
Changes in active organic carbon and nitrogen in soils on South Loess Plateau after 17 years fertilization and fallow. International Workshop on Soil C Sequestration and Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture, Oct.22-28,2008, Nanjing (Oral presentation)
Effects of water and nitrogen managements on yield formation and water and nutrient use efficiency of winter wheat on the Loess Plateau. In LI CJ (Eds), Plant Nutrition for Food Security, Human Health and Environmental Protection. 1142-1143,2005. Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China. (poster)
Evaluating the availabilities of soil microbial biomass nitrogen with a 15NO3 - labeled methods. The Third International Nitrogen Conference, 12-16 October, 2004, Nanjing, China. (Oral presentation)
Nutrient release of controlled-release fertilizers and soil nitrogen. The Third International Nitrogen Conference, 12-16 October, 2004, Nanjing, China. (poster)
Mineralization characteristics of organic nitrogen in the effluent. 17th World Congress of Soil Science, August 14-21,2002, Thailand (poster)
Effects of long-term application of the manure and P-fertilizers on the phosphorus distribution in soil profile. Proc.Int.Fert.Soc & Dahlia Greidinger Symp., Lisbon, 4-7 March 2001, pp547-549 (poster)
3. Contribution to Books
Zhou Jian-bin, Li Shi-qing. Soil microbial biomass nitrogen in soil of dryland. In Li Sheng-xiu. Nitrogen in Soil-plant System of Dryland Farming in China. Academic Press of China, Beijing, 2008, 2008, 138-187.
Zhou Jian-bin. Potassium in soil of dryland. In Li Sheng-xiu. Dryland Farming in China. Agricultural Publishing House of China, Beijing, 2004, 414-432.