Chen Yinglong

Sourse:   Date:2019-01-17

  Professor Yinglong Chenis a Chief Scientist and Theme Leader in Dryland Agriculture of State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, and has been awarded the prestigious Chinese Academy of Sciences’"Hundred Talents Program”. He has over 20 years research experience in overseas institutions including CSIRO, Murdoch University, The University of Western Australia, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France (INRA), ForschungszentrumJülich (FZJ), Pennsylvania State University, and has established long-term collaborations with word leading experts in the areas. He is a member of editor board or Guest Editor of 6 international journalsincluding Plant and Soil, and Frontiers in Plant Science. Professor Chen is an invited referee of Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), European Research Council (ERC), European Science Foundation (ESF), and American University of Beirut, and invited assessors of PhD thesis from several countries. Professor Chen has published 4 scholarly books, 7 book chapters, and 110 referred journal articles with one highly cited paper in 2018.

  Key research interests:

  • Crop root architecture and functions

  • Plant nutrition and stress physiology

  • Rhizosphere interactions

  • Modelling simulations of root architecture and functions

  • Mycorrhizal technologies and applications.

  Higher education

  • PhD in Biological Science, Murdoch University, Australia, (2002-2006)

  • Master Degree of Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China (1994-1997)

  • Bachelor Degree of Science, Anhui Normal University, China (1990-1994)

  Employment history

  • 2015/09–Present Professor,Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, and Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • 2015/07–2015/08 Visiting Research Fellow, Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA

  • 2014/06–2014/07 Visiting Research Fellow,ForschungszentrumJülich (FZJ), Germany

  • 2006/06–Present Research Fellow,The UWA Institute of Agriculture, and School of Agriculture and Environment, The University of Western Australia, Australia

  • 2001/03–2001/08 Visiting Research Fellow, Murdoch University, Australia

  • 2000/01–2000/03 Visiting Research Fellow, French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France

  • 1997/04–1998/03 ACIAR Research Fellow, CSIRO, Perth, Australia

  • 1997/05–2006/05 Assistant Professor, Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China

  Selected publications

  1. Qiao S, Fang Y, Wu A, Xu B*, Zhang S, Deng X, Djalovic I, Siddique KHM, Chen Y* (2018) Dissecting root trait variability in maize genotypes using the semi-hydroponic phenotyping platform. Plant and Soil Doi: 10.1007/s11104-018-3803-6

  2. Chen Y*, Ghanem ME, Siddique KHM* (2017) Characterising root trait variability in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm. Journal of Experimental Botany68: 1987–1999

  3. Chen Y*, Shan F, Nelson MN, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z (2016) Root trait diversity, molecular marker diversity and trait-marker associations in a core collection of Lupinusangustifolius. Journal of Experimental Botany67: 3683–3697

  4. Fang Y#, Du Y#, Wang J, Wu A, Qiao S, Xu B, Zhang S, Siddique KHM, Chen Y* (2017) Moderate drought stress affected root growth and grain yield in old, modern and newly-released cultivars of winter wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science8: 672

  5. Chen Y*, Palta J, Clements J, Buirchell B, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z (2014) Root architecture alteration of narrow-leafed lupin and wheat in response to soil compaction. Field Crops Research165: 61–70

  6. Chen Y*, Dunbabin VM, Postma JA, Diggle AJ, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z (2013) Modelling root plasticity and response of narrow-leafed lupin to heterogeneous phosphorus supply. Plant and Soil 372: 319–337

  7. Chen Y*, Dunbabin VM, Diggle AJ, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z* (2013) Phosphorus starvation boosts carboxylate secretion in P-deficient genotypes of Lupinus angustifolius with contrasting root structure. Crop & Pasture Science64: 588–59

  8. Chen Y*, Dunbabin VM, Diggle AJ, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z (2012) Assessing variability in root parameters of wild Lupinusangustifolius germplasm: basis for modelling root system structure. Plant and Soil 354: 141−155

  9. Chen Y*, Dunbabin VM, Postma J, Diggle AJ, Palta JA, Lynch JP, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z* (2011) Phenotypic variability and modelling of root structure of wild Lupinusangustifolius genotypes. Plant and Soil 348: 345−364

  10. Chen Y, Dunbabin VM, Diggle AJ, Siddique KHM, Rengel Z* (2011) Development of a novel semi-hydroponic phenotyping system for studying root architecture. Functional Plant Biology 38: 355−363

  11. Chen Y, Brundrett MC, Dell B* (2000) Effects of ectomycorrhizas and vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas, alone or in competition, on root colonization and growth of Eucalyptus globulus and E. urophylla. New Phytologist 146: 545−556