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Notice of "The new organ evolution in ruminants"

Author:   Date:2019-11-25    

Speaker: Yu Jiang

Time: 4:30 pm, November 28, 2019

Venue: S3119

Introduction of Speaker:

Dr. Yu Jiang is a professor and PI of The Agriculture Genomics Lab at Northwest A&F University. Dr. Jiang got his B.Sc from College of Life Science, Fudan University, China in 2006 and got his Ph.D from State Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Evolution, Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, China in 2011. Dr. Jiang had his postdoc training in CSIRO Livestock Industries during 2011-2013. Dr. Jiang’s research interests focused on the analysis of the big agricultural omics data and identification of some major genomic signatures associated with interactions between diet, the digestive system, and metabolism in ruminants in order to discover the key economic genotype-phenotype association in Peking duck.  Through innovative bioinformatics analysis, Dr. Jiang first reported the use of optical mapping profiling for animal genome assembly and GWAS analysis using structural variations. Dr. Jiang also contributed to the deciphering of the genetic heritage of worldwide cattle from five distinct pedigrees, and revealed a series of adaptive evolutions. Dr. Jiang has published 12 manuscripts as first or senior authorship in top journals, such as Science, Nature Biotechnology, Nature Communications, and Cell Research. Dr. Jiang’s current research is focused on ruminant livestock and their foregut fermentation system, the rumen, which represents the world’s extraordinarily efficient stomach using microbial flora to ferment the feed. Dr. Jiang is trying to reveal the genetic basis of the rumen and its microbial ecosystem, and finally develop a bionic machine of artificial rumen combined with milk reactor as facilitating the conversion of lignocellulose-rich plant materials, of low value in the human diet, to high value animal protein and lipid.