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Summer Visit to Michigan State University Went with a Swing

Author: Liu Yunqin,etc  Date:2015-08-15    

So far, summer visit to Michigan State University (MSU) has entered the middle stage. 22 members and the leading teacher exchanged ideas on the two-week visit.

Beautiful natural environment in the State of Michigan and the hospitality of American people left the students with deep impression. Besides,advanced teaching facilities and research infrastructure impressed them a lot.

American teaching system and class culture made the students gain new perspectives on university education. "MSU gives their students freedom to choose courses. "said Liu Yunqi. "In American class, teachers and students can communicate with each other freely at any time, which makes students independent thinking possible." said Zhu Peirao.

American students are very independent, love sports and have outstanding hands-on ability, which made the visiting students start to realize their own inadequacy. Shao Tianmeng said: "Chinese elementary education has deficiency in developing students' practical ability and independent thinking."

Professor Yin Runsheng of MSU addressed at the end of the intercommunion: "Be courageous to tackle difficulties and challenge yourselves. Learn to get prepared ahead, review and reflect afterwards. Wish you all the best."

Translated by: Wu Jinchan
Proofread by: Zhang Xiaorong